From the course: Using Customer Surveys to Improve Service

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Drilling down to find answers

Drilling down to find answers


- One of the most effective ways to analyze customer service survey data, is to drill down a level. Let's say your survey is on a five-point scale. You can drill down a level to look at what customers say when they rate your service a five, four, three, two, or a one. Comparing surveys at this level might reveal some key differences between a customer who gives you a four or a five, and a customer who gives you a one or a two. The easiest way to drill down a level is to select one specific variable in your survey, and see how the results differ when that variable changes. Here are a few examples: You can look at survey results by employee, the type of issue the customer experienced, the time of day when they contacted you, the response time required to get back to the customer, or the location where the customer was served. Now, these are just a few examples. You're really only limited by the variables your survey contains. Let's look at a sample scenario, to see what we might learn…
