From the course: Using Customer Surveys to Improve Service

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Increasing response rates

Increasing response rates


- When it comes to surveys there's no standard for how high your response rate should be. There are just too many variables to pick one specific number. What we'll do in this video is walk through how to get a response rate that's right for your customer service survey. We'll start by looking at how to determine if your response rate is good already. Next, I'll give you some tips for raising your response rate even higher. There are three things I look at when determining whether a survey has a good response rate. Usefulness, Representation and Reliability. Usefulness refers to whether the survey is giving you actionable data. Even a tiny response rate can be useful if it helps you discover a problem you can fix. For example, let's say just a few customers complain about a specific product. This might help you discover a product defect before too many more customers are affected. Representation refers to how well the survey results represent your actual customers. Let's say you wanted…
