From the course: Using Customer Surveys to Improve Service

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- This course was designed to share the fundementals of using surveys to improve customer service. Now is a great time to go to the Learning Plan worksheet that's included in the downloadable files for this course. If you used the worksheet to identify your goals at the start of the course, I encourage you to go back, and create an action plan for implementing what you've learned. If you haven't yet identified specific learning goals, take a moment to think about your most important learning points, and then use the worksheet to create a plan to put them into action. You may also want to check out some of the other customer service related courses on to broaden your overall knowledge. Examples include, Leading a Customer-Centric Culture, Managing a Customer Service Team, and Customer Service Fundamentals. You can also follow me on Twitter for more customer service analysis, tips, and trends. When it comes to creating customer service surveys, I've found that simple almost…
