From the course: Using Customer Surveys to Improve Service

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Using insight to improve service

Using insight to improve service


- So far, in this course we've covered how to design a survey, write great questions and analyze the data. There's still another step involved. We have to do something with what we've learned. The ultimate goal of conducting a survey is to improve customer service. In this video, I'd like to give you a few ideas for what happens next. You might discover some problems that are simple enough that you can just fix it. One company learned that customers were upset about not getting a response to emails sent through their website. That's when they realized those emails went into an unmonitored email box. Which should have been obvious, took listening to customer feedback to spot and fix. Once identified, it was easy to route the emails to someone who could actually respond. Some problems are a little trickier to solve. So we need to investigate further so we can learn the root cause. You might share the problem with your team. Observe your employees in action or even involve other…
