From the course: Using Customer Surveys to Improve Service



- Hi, my name is Jeff Toister. I'm a consultant, trainer, and author who helps customer service teams unlock their hidden potential. One of my favorite things to do is to help companies use surveys to improve customer service. I'm excited to get an opportunity to share some of these techniques with you. This course will show you the fundamentals of conducting a customer service survey. You can use these concepts to start up a survey program, or to improve the one you already have. We'll focus on basic skills that don't require complicated statistics, sophisticated software, or even a big budget. Our starting point is impactful survey design, and I'll give you some tips for increasing survey response rates. We'll then take a closer look at writing effective survey questions. Next, I'll show you how to analyze your survey results. And finally, we'll focus on using your survey data to improve customer service. Let's get started.
