From the course: Using Customer Surveys to Improve Service

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Writing effective questions

Writing effective questions


- The way survey questions are written can have a big impact on how customers respond. Many surveys lead customers to positive answers. This is great for our survey scores, but it also hides useful feedback. It's important to write clear, simple and unbiased questions that make it easy for customers to give us their true answers. Let's look at some tips to help you do this. Here's a question that's written two different ways. These two questions get at the same issue, overall satisfaction, but they approach it differently. The first version is neutral. The second question pushes customers towards a positive answer. It asks customers for their level of agreement with a positive statement and the high end of the scale is a strong level of agreement with just being satisfied. Generally speaking, neutral questions work best because they don't lead customers in a particular direction. Another tip, is to ask only one question at a time. This questions asks customers whether they were…
