From the course: Video Production and Post Tips

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Log-encoded video

Log-encoded video


- Hey there, I'm Robbie Carman. - And I'm Rich Harrington. And Rob, this week, we're gonna talk about - [Rich] a buzzword - [Robbie] Yeah. - that's really been circulating a lot in production and post, and that's log. Now, this used to just be something that was really at the high end, top of the really premium camera systems or high end work flows. But now this is something that's pretty affordable, that a lot of cameras can shoot. - Yeah, that's right, Rich, even five years ago if I spoke a at conference where I mentioned log to people I was working with, they would kinda look at me cross-eyed. I mean, I understand why. - Because it's math. - Yeah, log, or logarithmic video is math. And math can be confusing, but this week, we're gonna break it down so you can better understand what log encoded video is and what it isn't. And you're right, like a lot of innovations out there, log encoded video has seen a bit of a trickle down. You can now purchase cameras, say the Black Magic Pocket…
