From the course: Video Production and Post Tips

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Recording as stills

Recording as stills


- Now Rich, as a time lapse lover, you know that there are a couple ways to do time lapse. - Yup. - And the tried and true method, of course, that you use, 'cause you're a pro user, is to take a bajillion photos on your camera and then assemble them later on on your computer into a movie, so you have the most flexibility about building that time lapse. - And what that comes down to is control. When shooting video, it's essentially just speeding up the video. You don't have as much flexibility over how it's recorded and how much the interval is. But with Photo mode, you actually get a regular mode and a nighttime mode. - [Shorter Host] Alright, so to show off the different time lapse modes, we just started using the GoPro app here on your iPhone. And if you go into the Time Lapse Mode, you actually see three different ones. So, the first one is Time Lapse Video. And this is the method that you mentioned earlier, and we'll talk about in the next movie for this week. And that's simply…
