From the course: Video Production and Post Tips

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Using the DJI Ronin

Using the DJI Ronin


- We've seen a recent increase in small, handheld, gimbals. These are an evolution and they are using gyroscopes and stabilizers. Sometimes it's just a simple grip design that you know we can pick this up and move it around and as we're moving it holds stable and counteracts for movement as it goes side to side. You see how it's staying level? Its kinda awesome. - Yep - And yeah obviously, the bigger the camera, the more robust of a solution you're going to need. - Yeah a couple of years ago, at N-A-B, they used, you know when these were first sort of introduced to the wider world, people were like "Oh my gosh, this is the most incredible thing I have ever seen" Because previously to get this level of stabilization, you were investing multiple thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars on a steadicam rig, and there was kind of like half-baked solutions, that were like little handheld gimbals and stuff. But nothing to this sophistication, where the motors and the complexity of it…
