From the course: Virtual Production Foundations

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Color grading in a volume

Color grading in a volume


- So one of the most fun aspects of virtual production is its malleability compared to traditional production methods. Now, you can see this very clearly when we do color correction live in the volume. Now, what I mean by this is that we are going to change the color values of the virtual environment and see how it affects the in-camera image that we achieve. So let's see how that works. I have my dungeon environment here and it looks pretty cool but let's decide that I feel like maybe it's too bright or too dark compared to the foreground. Now, we can certainly address this by adjusting the panels themselves via the video processor but then we have to recalibrate everything for the next scene and lose time, and so that's not ideal. So we could also make gross adjustments to the overall color by accessing the color controls of our graphics card on our desktop. We could adjust the gamma levels, color, et cetera.…
