From the course: Virtual Production Foundations

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Exploring the marketplaces for environments and models

Exploring the marketplaces for environments and models

From the course: Virtual Production Foundations

Exploring the marketplaces for environments and models


- So one of the most fantastic aspects of virtual production is the re-usability of 3D environments and props. Artists frequently create very high-quality assets specifically to sell on these marketplaces. A kind of digital back lot cottage industry has grown up to meet virtual production's needs. Creating camera-ready assets can be one of the most challenging tasks in virtual production. For example, you can build these from scratch using pure modeling or photogrammetry. But think about how miniatures were created for visual effects back in the day. Artists would often take pieces from old model airplanes, ships, and tanks and kick bash them into new models. You can do the same thing virtually. So let's start with a quick tour of Epic Games Marketplace. All of these assets are designed for use with Unreal Engine. Now a number of them are intended for use with lower resolution situations like video games. But…
