From the course: Windows 10: Administration

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Understanding the desktop versions of Windows 10

Understanding the desktop versions of Windows 10 - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Administration

Understanding the desktop versions of Windows 10


- [Instructor] Let's start out by talking about the different editions of Windows 10. Windows 10 is available in three primary editions for desktop computers. They are Home, Pro and Enterprise. As the name suggests the Home version is designed not for businesses, but rather for people in their homes. The Pro version is designed for businesses and has most of the features one would need in a typical corporate environment. And Enterprise is designed for large business and has basically every feature available. The Home and Pro edition can be bought easily online or at most stores that sell software. The Enterprise edition is a little more difficult to come by with a few exceptions, it's only sold in volume license sets. In other words, large businesses buy a large number of licenses from Microsoft at one time. That is the preferred way for Microsoft to sell Enterprise edition. So you may not find it at your local software store. We'll talk about some features that are available in all…
