From the course: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate (AZ-801) Cert Prep: 4 Migrate Servers and Workloads

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Storage Migration Service overview

Storage Migration Service overview


- [Instructor] "Storage Migration Service Overview." I would say the centerpiece of this chapter is understanding Storage Migration Service and the specific use cases we are concerned with. Let's take the following use cases. Mainly you have local Windows Server file servers and you need to transfer the file shares to another machine. Maybe the source machine is just physically too old and you are going to decommission it. Maybe it is a version migration where your existing file servers are 2012 or Windows Server 2016. You want to be running on new hardware a new version of Windows. Another use case is you want to reposition or lift and shift one or more of your local file servers directly into Azure and have them run as Azure Infrastructure as a service VMs. Now, what are the requirements for implementing Storage Migration Service? Well, you are going to need some compute power that orchestrates this work because…
