From the course: Working On Camera: Video Makeup Techniques

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Applying basic makeup for women

Applying basic makeup for women


In this movie about Basic Makeup Techniques for Women, I'm taking the approach that the makeup application is for appearing on camera for just a short while and that it is not necessarily intended to wear all day or evening. And again, I'm not a cosmetologist or a trained makeup artist. I'm a video producer and talent who has done his own makeup for over thirty years. A second part of my approach is to target this instruction to women who don't often wear makeup. Those of you who do already know more about makeup application than I ever will, so my advice is to just go easy on it. When it comes to makeup for high=definition video, less is better, and use a product that is mineral-based that matches your skin tone. I mentioned several brands in the movie "What you'll need." Any of those will provide good results if you follow the instructions. You'll also need some additional items that I will mention later in this movie. You might take note of them as I cover them. For this tutorial…
