From the course: Writing Case Studies

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Writing the case study

Writing the case study


- So, you've interviewed the case study subject, you've transcribed the interview and you've extracted and edited some quotes. Your job now is to turn all of that into a story weaving a narrative that combines your subjects words with your own. You'll also consider how to fit in other parts of the case study such as photos and graphics. We'll start by looking at the format we selected, a two sided printed sales sheet on a standard size paper. At this point of course you'll work with your marketing department to make sure the design you developed fits in with the companies existing materials. Now if this is the first time you're developing such materials take a close look at the collection of case studies on for inspiration and models. But for this course I've already created a template it's available to you in the download section. It lays out all the elements we'll need but for right now we're only looking at the main text section in light gray. From here we can make an…
