From the course: Writing Like the Greatest Masters of Persuasion

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Write using simple words

Write using simple words


- [Speaker 1] I'll give you one huge takeaway from the book and from the research that I think is counterintuitive, that the more complex information that you have to get across, use simpler words. The more complex your topic, the simpler you need to keep your word choice. To me, that was so fascinating, and once I heard that it made sense, and I was writing part of this book during the COVID pandemic, during the shutdowns, and I'll never forget reading about healthcare communication. Healthcare communicators learn that when there is an urgent message to get out, you go back to simpler words. So for example, wear a mask. One syllable, wear a mask, three words, all one syllable. Not, in order to increase protection against COVID, the recommendation is that you wear appropriate facial coverings to reduce the transmission of airborne viruses. No, it's, wear a mask, and what I learned is that in healthcare communication, that's what they're taught. When you have an urgent message to get…
