From the course: Writing White Papers

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Examples of white papers

Examples of white papers


- Whenever I'm assigned a new format or style to write, I look for examples of how others have done it. More specifically, I look for successful examples, those that have either been proven in the market or that strike a cord with me personally. It's hard to tell how well white papers perform in the market. To know that we'd need to know their goals, costs, and returns. But what we can do is to look at a few different kinds and then pick and choose what we think will work for our purposes. So let's do that. In my opinion, the best place to start is in your own industry among your own colleagues and competitors. The example white paper for this course is about solar power, specifically to help local governments understand its place in their communities. An online search for solar power regulation white paper led to an unexpected treasure trove, this collection at Now if you don't have the same luck with your own search, general searches for such phrases as…
