AI & Generative Art- We are better together!
AI generated couture fashion using Midjourney by Raya Khalifeh

AI & Generative Art- We are better together!

Generative art images are emerging in full force across various outlets. AI Tools like Midjourney, Dall-E and Stable Diffusion are creating a noticeable buzz. This resurgence coincides with the overwhelming popularity of ChapGPT in recent months; artificial intelligence continues to advance!

A creative debate has emerged about the role of AI in the world of art. On one hand, some artists and industry experts argue that AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we create and experience art. On the other hand, others argue that the use of AI in art takes away from the human element and undermines the very essence of what it means to be an artist.

The technology elevates existing creative capabilities and creates an immersive new form of expression. It creates opportunities that were previously unimaginable. AI, incites the creative design process and streamlines the workflow; work can be produced in a fraction of the time it would take a human artist, and can be constantly updated and iterated upon. AI generated art can be more complex and multi-layered than what a human artist might be able to create alone. It is a powerful tool to for inspiration and conceptualising new ideas.

Not everyone is convinced that AI has a place in the world of art. Critics argue that the use of AI takes away from the human element of art, void of thoughts, emotions, and memories, reducing it to a mere algorithm. They argue that the unique perspective and emotion that a human artist brings to their work is essential to the art form, and that AI generated art lacks this essential quality.

However, AI generated art can consider a wide range of factors, like the emotions and feelings of the audience, and can (in video form) be created to respond in real-time to the viewer's actions, creating a fully immersive and interactive experience. Rather than trying to guess what the artist was feeling, or going through in a certain moment of time, focus can be on the actual art and what emotions it sparks in the audience- for what is a work of art if it is not open to interpretation? AI merely heightens the emotive element, subtly eliciting more control over the narrative for the end consumer.

There is of course the issue of creative rights. AI has been trained on billions of images, and copyrighted artwork by millions of artists. Some of those artists have expressed their disappointment and deem it as theft. As a designer/artist myself I recognize very well that any creative artwork takes on notes of inspiration. Inspiration can come from immediate surroundings, places or objects of interest, and other artists, whether it may be direct or sub-conscious, it is there! The work of art created will naturally have a new form, not replicating or copying other artists’ work. In essence, it is the same with AI generated art, the AI is also trained to produce a ‘similar’ object but in a ‘novel’ form.

Will real jobs will be replaced by AI? Fundamentally, Humans are engineering the prompts for the AI to generate and create. AI will certainly bring on a new wave of skills to learn and master; an evolution of the work force. Jobs are more likely to be replaced by someone who knows and works with AI rather than the AI (or computer!) itself.

It is important to remember that art, like all forms of human expression, is constantly evolving. As AI and other technologies continue to shape the way we create and experience art, it will be up to artists, curators, and audiences to determine how these technologies are used and how they fit into the broader world of art.

One thing is certain, the use of AI in generative art is an exciting prospect that is worth exploring further. As the technology continues to advance, it will be interesting to see how it will change the way we create and consume art in the future.

Alluding to ‘creation’, ultimately we are all humans created for a purpose; living and communicating as a united human race, as one! Complimenting and completing one another, a whole. Each individual with their unique abilities, talents and skills, so why not bring them all together? AI has the power to harness the greatness of minds all in one place; a collective. It further promotes the notion of oneness; unity, community! Additionally, it is poised to be an inspiration of a united mind to inform better products and experiences for the end user, speeding up human elevation and evolution.

Personally, what I love best about AI is that it alters the perception of entitlement, and the somewhat egotistical prerogative of authorship that we may all be guilty of from time to time, or to some degree. AI forms a bridge that connects our minds as one so that the generated output is not mine, not by the greatness of my mind. It is by mine, yours, this innovator, that great artist, this unknown artist and a billion other minds all connected as one! What greater power to create something that is abundantly better than it would’ve been had I created it alone. Generating AI designs, pulling from a plethora of names and inspiration lessens the sense of me-ness; it is mine! I own it! I created it! Yet, this may be one of the greatest barriers for AI adoption in the creative space. Ultimately, producing art, stamping their name on it, and sharing it can stroke an artist’s ego!

It is time to embrace a collaboration on a massive scale- innovation as a collective. The results and creative output will be mind blowing! We are better together!



Disclaimer: Did I use ChatGPT to “help” me write this- absolutely YES, I took notes!

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