AI is out of the Research Lab!

AI is out of the Research Lab!

Today, as marketers, we work at the intersection of technology and marketing. The buzz around AI and its applicability is exciting. If you are a marketer, believe me, AI is no longer confined to research labs! It is out there in the real world. We should embrace the pace with which it is approaching our marketing world. It is indeed upon us, the marketing fraternity, to learn to live and thrive with it!

Maschinelles Lernen

A term first used in 1959 is now making inroads, rather swiftly. Often confused with AI, it stands different. Essentially a process by which an algorithm can learn, it is widely used for predictions based on historical data sets.

Extensively used by internet businesses such as eCommerce majors, ML provides suggestions to customers based on learning from their past behavior.

Deep Learning

Majorly a subset of Machine Learning, Deep learning is based on how human brain functions. These algorithms use artificial neural network and are of great significance to the marketing world.

One of the most practical applications of Deep Learning will be in Computer vision technology. Imagine tomorrow cameras installed in the retail stores aided with deep learning based computer vision technology recognizing the repeat customer using real time facial recognition. There is so much more that you can do when you know the customer!

Natural Language Processing

Well, machines understanding the meaning and context of natural language that we humans use, that's NLP for you, Mr. Marketer! Won't machines be able to interact better with us? Yes, unequivocally! Our assistants on the phone, pretty much understand us, right!

Imagine Virtual Agents in the retail stores recommending personalized fashion tips and recommendations to customers in real time! Woohoo! Ecstatic aren't you!


Sophia, a human robot by Hanson Robotics has created buzz all around the world. Oh dear, she is even capable of making natural expressions!

From industrial work to law enforcement jobs such as one of Police, medical assistance in surgeries to military operations, construction to space expedition, we are on the verge of seeing it's extensive use. Marketers will have to learn to live with them.

As our virtual personal assistants become more powerful by gathering large data sets over next few months and years, it will be a thrilling ride to see how these AI agents transfer that knowledge to other systems. It will help marketers better understand the needs of the customers. Understanding the unstated needs of customers by learning from data collected from rather disparate sources will be a big leap forward!

Let's embrace AI, a friend with face of a monster walking straight out of the research lab. Shake hands and get going!

Atindra Nathh Bhattacharya

Professor & Chair, Marketing at School of Inspired Leadership | Board Member, SOS Children’s Villages of India | Social Innovation | LSIP Facilitator | Training | Consulting | Entrepreneurship


A very beautiful article! Indeed AI, Robotics etc are the way forward. The apprehension is that it might eventually also fall in the hands of destructive people!

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