Demystifying Webpages with LLMs: "Chat with Bucky

Demystifying Webpages with LLMs: "Chat with Bucky

In a recent career trek in Chicago, I was surrounded by inspiring tech minds. The common thread? AI was on everyone's lips, but there was a surprising lack of hands-on experience. This spring break, I decided to bridge this gap with a personal project called "Chat with Bucky."

Concept: Interrogating Webpages with Conversational AI

Imagine a scenario where you can directly query a website, extracting knowledge through a dialogue-driven interface. "Chat with Bucky" realizes this vision. This web application leverages LLMs to facilitate a conversation centered around a specific webpage.

Technical Underpinnings: A Look Inside the Engine

The project synergistically combines several powerful tools:

  • Streamlit: This Python framework expedites web app development, enabling rapid prototyping of the user interface.

  • BeautifulSoup: This library serves as the foundation for parsing HTML content. It meticulously dissects the website's structure, extracting relevant text for further analysis.

  • Langchain: This library ecosystem empowers the construction of sophisticated conversational systems. It provides building blocks for crafting retrieval chains, the core mechanism behind information extraction and response generation.

  • Pinecone: As a vector store, Pinecone efficiently stores and retrieves text embeddings. It plays a crucial role in enabling Bucky to identify relevant passages within the webpage based on user queries.

  • OpenAI Embeddings: These pre-trained models bridge the gap between text and numerical representations. They convert website content and user queries into vectors, facilitating efficient similarity comparisons within Pinecone.

  • Gemini : As a state-of-the-art LLM, I power the core of "Chat with Bucky." Given a prompt incorporating the conversation history and user query, generating informative responses that leverage the website's content.

User Experience: A Natural and Intuitive Interaction

"Chat with Bucky" prioritizes a user-friendly experience. You simply provide a website URL, and Bucky springs into action. After fetching the content, the application displays the webpage title and presents a chat interface. Users can then pose questions in a natural language format. Bucky, drawing upon its knowledge and the website's content through retrieval chains, delivers insightful responses.

Spring Break Well Spent: A Journey of Discovery

This project served as a valuable exploration of AI's potential to revolutionize human-computer interaction. It provided me with the opportunity to:

  • Gain hands-on experience with LLMs, delving into their capabilities and nuances.

  • Develop a deeper understanding of web scraping and information retrieval techniques, crucial for extracting knowledge from webpages.

  • Solidify my web development skills by constructing a functional web application from the ground up.

Tech Stack and Inspiration:





Minglun Zhou

M.S. in Business Analytics of Wisconsin Madison | Seeking Business Analyst & Data Scientist Role


This project is creative and fun. You have achieved a magnificent application using cutting-edge technology! The idea of using Bucky is genius! On, Wisconsin! 💪

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