Eight Early Fruits of an Era of Creativity & Awakening

Eight Early Fruits of an Era of Creativity & Awakening

When an entire country is suddenly asked to close doors, cancel events, and stay inside, there is bound to be a wave of creativity that washes in.

After months of quarantined reflection, we were then awakened to the racial justice movement like never before.

We’ve all been asked to feel emotions and reflect on our lives in challenging ways, and though establishing a routine in the current landscape has been difficult for many, we’ve seen inspiring feats of creativity and activism nonetheless.

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“The First Family of Monsters” shot on location for Studio Delano

Popular culture, current events, and art and design have always been interwoven. Throughout history, we rely on art, fashion, and even advertising to understand humanity and society. 

Creativity is often the silver lining and the beacon of light that not only helps us get through challenging times but helps us understand the times more deeply.

In the coming months and years, we’ll continue to see the creative results of the pandemic and wave of racial justice awareness. But for now, these are eight of our favorite examples of how the current climate is influencing creativity in inspiring and exciting ways.

The conundrum of TV advertising

Of course, many are using Zoom and other virtual meeting platforms to collaborate on work or have happy hour. 

Some brands have tried to harness our shared experiences in their advertising, but the ads quickly went from reassuring to depressing. Some TV commercials tapped into a self-awareness that garnered a few laughs, but those too are getting old.

More than ever, consumers notice when a brand is putting on a show or being too delicate, afraid to rattle the cage. More than ever, brands need to bold with their creative.


Cox Communications launched a volunteer program that pairs its employees with isolated seniors for daily phone calls: a creative initiative that led to a compelling film

"With the help of some volunteers, isolated seniors around the country get surprise calls offering support, encouragement, and human connection… This film was produced by Cox for The Connections Project – a series of initiatives that celebrate real people and real stories of connection. Stories that inspire us all to reach out and connect with our communities and with loved ones in our lives. Stories that show the real power of technology to bring us closer to one another at a time when it’s needed, #NowMoreThanEver."


Kathy Hepinstall Parks reads her piece on what it is that makes great writing, narrating a video of a woman in a lion suit floating in a pool, writing on a laptop. Yes, you read that right: Just over 4 minutes of brilliance.

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A Creative Perspective | Kathy Hepinstall


Not only are creatives making, but they’re also creating new ways to make a living. With the Artists Support Pledge on Instagram, artists create works of art to sell, use the hashtag #artistsupportpledge and sell the art for $200. When they reach $1K, they pledge to support another artist with a purchase.

Connection and creativity are inseparable.


People are painting, drawing, and forming new hobbies of all sorts.

An Apple commercial highlights the ways many (more privileged) are making the most of quarantine, ending the reel with a positive message: “Creativity goes on.”


Pentagram is using graphics to help us understand the pandemic and its effects. Happy Data is “a website and data viz project launched by the graphic design and branding firm Pentagram. And as the title suggests, Happy Data spotlights data around COVID-19 that will perk you up—from our unprecedentedly clean air to the incredible efforts of healthcare workers and volunteers.”


This App was reimagined to help find toilet paper among other hard to find items like eggs and flour. 


Today’s grassroots racial justice movement is very much alive on digital platforms. Graphic designers and illustrators are supporting the movement in beautiful and impactful ways.

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Illustration by REYNA NORIEGA


Here at JonesHaus, we’ve been building a website for Delano Ard, a modern abstract artist based in Savannah and Atlanta, Georgia. 

A self-described hippie rebel, he can be found nearly every day in his studio slinging paint like an over-caffeinated octopus working with big, bold colors expressing every ounce of his vibrant personality. 

Approachable and affable, Delano exudes energy and passion in conversation and especially in his work. We wanted his website to feel just like that.

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Whether you’re working on creative projects at home, diving into some creative rebranding in your business, or curating your feeds, here’s to all the fruits of creativity to come.

Kimberly Jones

Defining and Elevating Global Brands, Challenger Brands and Startups | Founder & Creative Director


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