Naming, branding and visual identity: How the intention to strike a chord captures hearts and wins customers over

Naming, branding and visual identity: How the intention to strike a chord captures hearts and wins customers over

A brand is more than a logo. It’s a concept, a feeling – the overarching way a company presents itself to the world. For us at JonesHaus, it goes even deeper than that. A brand pulls a business forward and relays emotions and ideas.

Naming a company sets the stage for that company’s overall image – but crafting and refining that image into a brand identity is both an important marketing task and an art.

For us, design is not decoration. Words don’t just tell stories. Great work should be meaningful, striking a chord deep in the soul of every person who sees it. 

Branding is about concepting and executing impactful work that captures the hearts of consumers and increases market share.

This belief – our mission at JonesHaus – informs our unique way of creating brand identities for our clients. Starting from this core belief guides our way of thinking, so that we develop brands that are inherently meaningful.

This is juicy stuff! And it all starts with naming.

Not just a catchy name, but one that sets the stage for the entire brand, the way their company would be perceived. 

Your very first impression of a business is probably from its name. Before you see a logo or learn what a company does, you’re likely to hear its name.

We’ve had the pleasure of working with clients from the very beginning – starting with helping them name their companies.

One of those clients is Dialogue.

Dialogue is a marketing company. The owner came to JonesHaus for help in repositioning from a traditional PR agency to an engagement strategy agency facilitating dialogue between brands and stakeholders. 

JonesHaus, in collaboration with a creative writer, was engaged to create a brand name and identity. Dialogue is on a mission to work with companies that help people live beautifully, mindfully and sustainably.

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The visual identity for the brand features all lowercase typography “dialogue:” with a colon after it. The colon signifies Dialogue is having “conversations that matter,” which is the tagline.

From the name and visual identity alone, you get the feeling that this marketing company is purposeful and intentional with its work. You get a sense of its core beliefs and mission to engage customers through marketing.

That’s the power of an effective name.

Another naming and branding project was the Georgia Highway Contractors Association (GHCA). We developed a name and concept for a campaign launched by GHCA to generate awareness about road construction careers in Georgia.

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Dubbed Fast Lane to Jobs, the campaign promotes the benefits of a career in highway construction with an emphasis in raising awareness among women about the many career possibilities in the field and connects prospective workers with contractors who are actively hiring.

We built upon the name with strong visuals and bold colors to capture the energy, passion and attitude of the campaign. We crafted designs and color palettes that are consistent with highway signs and GDOT information boards. 

The communications connect with GHCA’s audience by echoing their needs as well as their frustration over the low pay, lack of benefits and slow advancement associated with other entry-level jobs.

Another example is Southeastern Health Plus, Inc.

The company needed a new name and brand identity as it was shifting its business focus from home healthcare and mobility equipment to orthotics devices and pain management therapies. 

Working with a small project team, we identified key attributes for the new company that guided the naming process and ultimately settled on Renovera Medical. 

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Renovera, which means renew, reinvigorate and restore in Swedish, fit perfectly with the company’s new strategic direction.

The objectives of the project were to:

  • Select a simple but memorable name to replace the Southeastern Health Plus name
  • Select a name that did not have geographical limitations
  • Find a name that conveys the company provides “advanced, high-end technologies to manage pain in a high-touch manner”

Together, Renovera’s new name and modern, sophisticated logo and color scheme form a brand identity that conveys the precise message and tone we were aiming for.

"Brand is the promise, the big idea, the expectations that reside in each customer's mind about a product, service or company. Branding is about making an emotional connection."

– Alina Wheeler

From naming to developing a brand that resonates in every way, starting with the intention to capture hearts leads to branding that does exactly that. 

When you're ready to name your company, refresh your brand, develop an identity that truly feels like you, and strike a chord in the souls of your audience – JonesHaus is here to help.

Contact us to get started. We’d love to hear from you.

Kim Resnik, APR

Results-focused communications that deliver visible impact for your business


Excellent article! Businesses really need to understand that a brand is not just a logo. It encompasses the company’s personality and values, what it delivers and how it interacts with its clients, customers, and other audiences.

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