What do you suck at?
Keeping the Faith

What do you suck at?

[QUESTION] What do you suck at?

Self awareness is, in my opinion, the most valuable skill for people to master.

The quicker you determine and fully understand what you're good at, the quicker you can double down on those skills, and start down a path that takes advantage of those skills.

Inversely, the quicker you determine what you suck at, the quicker you know where to not devote your time (unless you really really really want to get better in those areas).

I excel in dealing with people and communication in general. I find it easy to talk on the phone, craft a detailed organized (poetic if I do say so myself) email, and still have time to do my other tasks for the day. I don't mind delivering difficult/bad news or discussing money with prospects and clients. 

In a very relevant (to my younger Bar Mitzvah Boy self) movie scene, Ben Stiller challenges his pupil to embrace the suck and suck with style. You're not supposed to be good at everything. Fact.

I ABSOLUTELY SUCK at many things. Two that come to mind are...

1) Giving up control.

2) Non financial math.

--I like to have control + I'm a bit of a perfectionist. I expect things to be done a certain way, to a certain standard. As Vehicle Media grows, it's just not possible to have as much control over the day to day with my clients as I once had. So, I'm working on controlling what I can control and trusting my team to do the rest. 

--In college I made mostly A's as a communications major (hold the laughter). The one blemish? Calculus. It's a foreign language to me. It would be like sitting me in front of a piano and asking me to play Beethoven's 5th Symphony. It ain't happenin'. 

Figure out what you're good at. Figure out what you suck at. Attack accordingly.

So, again....what do you suck at?

Randy Cooper, MBA PCM

Buzz⚡️My⚡️Biz | Digital Strategy | US Marine Veteran


This is really an awesome post and prompts us to ask if we see ourselves from the perspective of others. Evaluating yourself can be difficult for some, easier for others.  The person that says "I'm great at everything" is oversimplifying things, while the person that says "I suck at everything" isn't being realistic either.  I think the things you suck at and find of no value, then really who cares? I cannot whistle loud to save my life. Fortunately, our days of hailing a cab are over. If I did have that skill, I probably wouldn't use it.   Now the things I suck at and I could really put to use, the pentatonic scales for example, would greatly benefit my guitar playing (which I really suck at but enjoy immensely). Ok, so that's just for fun, right? Then we get down to what I suck at and I really need to improve to create a substantive change in my life. Okay, right now I am working on video editing. I enjoy it, it's fun. But dang man it takes too freaking long. I'm getting better.  So, the takeaway is this - I can't do everything well. Focus on the things that will improve your lot and if you can play guitar better too - so cool for you! 🎸😎

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