Request information:

Here's how to access information and make a Freedom of Information request.


How to access information

We publish a lot of information about the work of the London Fire Brigade and about the London Fire Commissioner as a public authority. There are a number of ways to access this information:

  • site search – most of the information we proactively publish can be found on this website using the navigation at the top of this page or by using the search. This search doesn't currently include all content of the website as there are separate search functions that cover information in the publication scheme and Freedom of Information search below.
  • open data – we use the GLA’s ‘London Datastore’ to publish our open datasets and a range of transparency information.
  • publication scheme - this is a guide to the information an authority routinely makes available to the public and wherever possible provides an easy method of accessing this information.
  • Freedom of Information search – you can check to see if we have given the information before as a result of someone else’s request. You can search through previous responses here.
  • former LFEPA Library – you can explore decisions and papers taken by the former London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) and its committees (before to April 2018) in the LFEPA Library
  • London Fire Commissioner (LFC) decisions - you can explore decisions taken by the LFC (since April 2018)
  • if you cannot find the information you need, you can make a freedom of information request. This process, along with our online form and relevant email and postal address is explained below.

How to make a Freedom of Information request

The Freedom of Information Act gives rights to individuals to request information from public bodies. If the information you are looking for is related to the environment, you may also have rights of access via the Environmental Information Regulations.

You can ask for any information you think we may hold. The right only covers recorded information which includes information held on computers, in emails and in printed or handwritten documents as well as images, video and audio recordings. You can ask questions, but we will only provide copies of the recorded information we already hold that is relevant to the question as we are not required to create new information (i.e. provide a written answer to a question) to respond to a request.

You can ask for any information you choose, at any time, but there are some reasons (called exemptions) where it may not be possible for us to provide what you want. If you are thinking of making a request, it may help to consider the following questions:

  • is the information you want already available, for example, in one of the places listed above?
  • is the information you want your own personal data? If your request is for information about yourself, you should make a subject access request under the Data Protection Act.
  • is the information you want suitable for general publication? The aim of the Freedom of Information Act is to make information available to the general public. You can only obtain information that would be given to anybody who asked for it, or would be suitable for the general public to see.

The Information Commissioners Office (the UK regulator for information rights) publish a helpful guide about making information requests which you can find on their website. This explains how the process works along with an explanation of your rights under law.

You can make a request by:

We will reply to your request in full within 20 working days (or provide an explanation if this is not possible).

Will I always get the information I ask for?

Not always. The Freedom of Information Act recognises that there will be valid reasons why some kinds of information may be withheld, such as if its release would prejudice national security or if it is related to ongoing (or future) regulatory or enforcement activities. The intent of freedom of information is to make available information for the wider ‘public good’. We are not obliged to deal with vexatious or repeated requests or in some cases if the time needed to prepare the information is excessive. In addition, the Act does not provide the right of access to personal information about yourself or others.

Can I complain if I am dissatisfied with the way a request has been dealt with?

Yes. If you’re request was refused (or if you have another complaint) you can ask us to review the way your request was handled. You do this as soon as possible and no later than two months of receiving the our final response (for environmental information complaints you should make your complaint within 40 working days).

Requests to have our response to you reviewed should be made to the LFB’s Head of Information Management using any of the contact details above. We aim to conduct an internal review within 20 working days. If following our review you are still dissatisfied, the Information Commissioners Office may be able to help.


Freedom of Information online form

Freedom of Information Search

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