Incident Response

It’s not a question of if a data breach will occur, but when. Magnet AXIOM Cyber will keep you prepared to quickly find and validate indicators of compromise.


Magnet AXIOM Cyber provides a versatile foundation for a range of investigations and enables examiners to uncover and report on the root cause of cyber security incidents.

Data Breach Investigation

Ransomware Investigation

Data Exfiltration Investigation

Create Targeted Location Profiles

Save time by pre-defining the locations on an endpoint that will be collected every time the profile is used.

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Collect Volatile Artifacts

Gain unique insights into malware and other malicious activities by collecting live system information.

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Queued Collection for Endpoints

Reduce investigation delays by automatically progressing through collections of up to 15 endpoints as soon as they become available.

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Scan Files with YARA Rules

Scan files with YARA rules can to identify the very latest malware and other indicators of compromise.

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Check Files With Virus Total Integration

Gain insight into the history and behavior of known threats leveraging insights from over 70 antivirus engines through Virus Total.

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Review Evidence in Email Explorer

Review email evidence in an intuitive and familiar format that mirrors the appearance of common email platforms, including several filters and search options.

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Build a Timeline of Events

Understand the history of a security event to track down evidence using relative time filters

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Visualize Data Connections

Quickly connect the dots between all the artifacts in your case with visualizations of the evidence relationships

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Enhancing Your Incident Response Playbook With Magnet AXIOM Cyber

A key step in developing a successful incident response playbook is the post-incident review and analysis. Understanding vulnerabilities in a network is imperative to being prepared to strengthen your organization’s security posture. This blog looks at how the incident response features of Magnet AXIOM Cyber can be used to help accelerate IR investigations and get you the insights that you need to protect your business, or clients, from future attacks.

Read the Full Blog Post Here

Be prepared to respond to evolving cybersecurity threats

The cyberthreat landscape is constantly changing. Magnet Forensics offers modern tools that help you investigate security incidents and minimize their impact to keep your business safer.

Try Magnet AXIOM Cyber for Free