Date Signed: 5/3/2024 | MARADMINS Number: 210/24
MARADMINS : 210/24

R 031930Z MAY 24
POC 1/D. M. JACKSON/MGYSGT/SMMC/TEL: 703-614-8762/EMAIL: [email protected]//
POC 2/S.C. HOLLINS/MSGT/SMMC/TEL: 703-692-1659/EMAIL: [email protected]//
POC 3/R.JOPLIN/CIV/SPD/TEL: 703-614-1515, 571-289-8115/EMAIL: [email protected]//
POC 4/N.N.HAMMOND/CIV/SPD/TEL: 703-614-1515, 571-289-9296/EMAIL: [email protected]//
POC 5/R.KOWSKI/CIV/SPD/TEL: 703-693-2821, 703-571-4408/EMAIL: [email protected]//
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  The Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps (SMMC) will host the 2024 Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Symposium (SMMCS-24) from 13 July to 17 July 2024 at the Naval Support Agency, Annapolis, MD.  Following the symposium, Force level SgtsMaj will attend Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) briefings.  Joint level SgtsMaj are encouraged to participate in the NPS briefings on 18 and 19 July 2024 at the Naval Support Agency, Annapolis, MD., if their schedules permits.  Travel days are 13 July and 18 July 2024 for MSC level and 20 July 2024 Force level and Joint level SgtsMaj participating in the NPS briefings.
2.  The following sergeants major are invited to attend:
Principal                        Billet
SgtMaj Black, Troy E.            SEAC
SgtMaj Cordero, Marco A.         JTF NORTH
SgtMaj Krause, Daniel            Defense Information Systems Agency
SgtMaj Kreamer, Howard L.        USSTRATCOM
SgtMaj Mangrum, Daniel E.        Defense Threat Reduction Agency
SgtMaj Rodriguez, Rafael         USSOUTHCOM
SgtMaj Woods, Michael P.         USAFRICOM
SgtMaj Reiff, Jacob M.           M&RA
SgtMaj Loftus, Anthony           CD&I
SgtMaj Griffin, Stephen A.       TECOM
SgtMaj McDonald, Aaron G.        FMFLANT/MARFORCOM
SgtMaj Cook, Eric D.             FMFPAC/MARFORPAC
SgtMaj Mota, Edwin A.            MARFORRES/MARFORSOUTH
SgtMaj Siaw, Peter A.            I MEF
SgtMaj Wilson, David A.          II MEF
SgtMaj Kitashima, Joy M.         III MEF
SgtMaj Hensley, Michael W.       Senior Enlisted Academy Director
SgtMaj Elliott, David M.         MARFOREUR/AFR
SgtMaj McGinnis, Roland R.       MARFOREUR/AFR (Incoming)
SgtMaj SotoRodriguez, Hector J.  MARFORK
SgtMaj Bamba, Ismael G.          MARFORK (Incoming)
SgtMaj Williamson, Jay D.        MARCENT
SgtMaj Lirette, Jeremey W.       MARFORCYBERSPACE
SgtMaj Fouss, Matthew J.         1st MARDIV
SgtMaj Mendez, Joseph            2d MARDIV
SgtMaj Schieler, Robert W.       3d MARDIV
SgtMaj Adams, Christopher J.     4th MARDIV
SgtMaj Arebalo Jr., Arthur M.    1st MAW
SgtMaj Nevinger, Rodney E.       2d MAW
SgtMaj Scifo, Rosalia            3d MAW
SgtMaj Horr, James L.            3d MAW
SgtMaj Heider, Daniel E.         4th MAW
SgtMaj Kirkby, Ronda R.          1st MLG
SgtMaj Turner II, Wesley O.      2d MLG
SgtMaj Turner II, Dennis R.      3d MLG
SgtMaj Fay, Patrick              4th MLG
SgtMaj Goodyear, Allen B.        MCRC
SgtMaj Leavy, Oranjel A.         MCRD/WRR
SgtMaj Garcia, Sael G.           MCRD/ERR
SgtMaj Elliott, David M.         TRNGCMD
SgtMaj Meltesen, Ryan W.         MAGTFTC/MCAGCC
SgtMaj Vargas, Ralph C.          MARSOC
SgtMaj Drechsler, Brian          MCLC
SgtMaj Boley, Russell D.         FHG
SgtMaj Hammock, Jason B.         MCI-COM
SgtMaj Easton, Anthony J.        MCI-PAC
SgtMaj Gnecco, Ryan A.           MCI-EAST
SgtMaj Cook, Sherri N.           MCI-WEST
SgtMaj Exlos, Michael J.         MM DIVISION
Sgtmaj Gharati, Adam             MFP DIVISION
SgtMaj Bedran, Shehene           RA
SgtMaj Gwaltney, William J.      IGMC
SgtMaj Dorsey, Jesse J.          MARCORSYSCOM
SgtMaj Youngblood, Michael       NATF 51/5TH MEB
SgtMaj Lutz, Stephen J.          EDCOM
SgtMaj Singley, Christopher K.   MCWL
3.  The following master gunnery sergeants are invited to attend.
Principal                        Billet
MGySgt Root, Jerome N.           NATO SOF
MGySgt Castro, Samuel W.         DC, I
MGySgt Gibson, Antwaun M.        CD
MGySgt Hnyla, Michael S.         DC, AVN
MGySgt Miller, Dallas W.         DC, PP&O
4.  The following command master chiefs are invited to attend.
Principal                        Billet
CMDCM Ziervogel, Charles         FMFPAC/MARFORPAC
CMDCM Dyal, Sandra A.            FMFLANT/MARFORCOM
CMDCM Rucker, Loren              I MEF
CMDCM Beck, John C.              II MEF
CMDCM Leppert, Don               III MEF
5.  The SMMC office exercises overall staff cognizance and is the information releasing authority for SMMCS-24.  The Director, Special Projects Directorate (SPD), a division within DMCS, provides direct assistance to the SMMCS-24 and is responsible for the administrative and logistical support.
6.  In the event the SMMCS-24 is cancelled or postponed to a later date, guidance will be provided through separate correspondence.
7.  A detailed agenda is in development and will be promulgated separately.
8.  Tasks
8.a.  Invited SgtsMaj, MGySgts, and CMDCMs who cannot attend the symposium are required to provide justification to SMMC directly.
8.b.  Invited SgtsMaj, MGySgts, and CMDCMs are required to submit a Top Secret visitors request via the Defense Information Security System with the Security Management Office code 540080084; the POC is Master Sergeant Shasta C. Hollins.  Top Secret clearance is required to attend classified briefs.  The location for all briefs is the Jacks Taylor Conference Center, Annapolis, MD.
9.  Administration and Logistics.  More information about administration and logistics, including a one stop registration website, which reduces the time and effort necessary to register, will be provided through an Administrative/Logistics message via email.
10.  Release authorized by Lieutenant General Gregg P. Olson, Director, Marine Corps Staff.//