Date Signed: 6/25/2024 | MARADMINS Number: 290/24
MARADMINS : 290/24

R 241400Z JUN 24
TEL: (703)784-9272/EMAIL:  [email protected]//
TEL: (703)784-9276/EMAIL:  [email protected]//
TEL: (703)784-9267/EMAIL:  [email protected]//
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  Manpower Management Officer Assignments (MMOA)
will execute a hybrid roadshow from August through October of 2024
comprising command visits, grade-specific town halls, road show
briefs, and virtual interviews.  The primary intent of this year’s
roadshow is to outline the modified assignment timeline which is
intended to increase predictability in the lives of our Marines and
their families by issuing orders sooner.  Marines and commands must
conduct appropriate preparatory actions at the tactical level to
ensure this Service initiative is successful.
2.  Execution.  From August through October 2024, MMOA will travel
to the below locations to conduct roadshow briefs, host town halls,
and engage commands.  The intent of these events is to educate
Marines on the Service’s staffing process, support Marines’
professional development, and for commanders to discuss staffing
preferences and operational priorities with MMOA. 
2.a.  MMOA will execute the physical roadshow events at the below
locations.  The below itinerary is limited due to budgetary
constraints.  If your installation, location, or command is not
present on the below list and is interested in funding a physical
roadshow event, please reach out to MMOA by 1 July 2024.
2.b.  MMOA will conduct virtual interviews with individual officers
to discuss future career and assignment options with their PMOS
Monitor beginning in October 2024.
3.  MMOA Command Visit timeline (read in four columns).
  Location               Date/s       Responsible Agency      Note
  MARCENT, Tampa, FL     06 Aug       MARFORCENT              1
  NAS Pensacola, FL      06 Aug       MARDET, NAS             3
  NAS Meridian, MS       06 Aug       MARDET, NAS             3
  New Orleans, LA        08 Aug       MARFORRES/SOUTH         1
  NAS Corpus Christi     08 Aug       MARDET, NAS             3
  NAS Kingsville, TX     08 Aug       MARDET, NAS             3
  MCB Quantico           16 Aug       MCB QUANTICO            3
  MCRD Parris Island     19 Aug       MCRD PI/ERR             2
  MCAS Beaufort          20 Aug       MCAS BEAUFORT           2
  Norfolk, VA            20 Aug       MARFORCOM               2
  Dam Neck, VA           20 Aug       MCIS                    2
  MCB Camp Lejeune       21-22 Aug    MCIEAST                 3
  MCAS New River         22 Aug       MCAS NEW RIVER          3
  MCAS Cherry Point      23 Aug       MCAS CHERRY POINT       3
  Okinawa, Japan         9-11 Sep     III MEF/MCIPAC          3
  MCAS Iwakuni, Japan    9-11 Sep     MCAS IWAKUNI            3
  Guam                   11 Sep       CAMP BLAZ               1
  MCB/MCAS, HI           13 Sep       MCB HAWAII              3
  Camp Smith, HI         13 Sep       MARFORPAC               3
  MCAS Miramar           16 Sep       MCAS MIRAMAR            3
  Camp Pendleton         16-18 Sep    MCIWEST                 3
  29 Palms, CA           19 Sep       MCAGCC                  3
  MCAS Yuma              19 Sep       MCAS YUMA               3
  EWS, CSC, MCWAR        01 Oct       MCU                     3
  Washington, DC         02 Oct       NDU                     2
  Washington, DC         02 Oct       HQBN, HENDERSON HALL    3
  Fort Meade, MD         03 Oct       MARFORCYBER             2
Note 1:  O6 Key Leader Engagement only.
Note 2:  Roadshow brief, town halls, and command engagements.
Note 3:  Roadshow brief, town halls, command engagements, and O6
Key Leader Engagements.
3.a.  The CY24 MMOA Roadshow Teams page will be updated throughout
execution.  This will include the breakdown of town halls at each
location by grades and MOS’s.  Microsoft Teams code:  8owvryj
3.b.  Roadshow Brief
3.b.1.  Target audience:  All officers.  Maximum participation is
essential to set the foundation for productive dialogue with
commands and Marines throughout the slate.
3.b.2.  Subject:  The brief will provide an overview of the
assignments process, insight into career progression, an update on
relevant manpower processes, and highlight recent trends.
3.b.3.  Timeframe:  60-minute formal brief.
3.c.  Town Halls
3.c.1.  Target audience:  All officers in grade appropriate and
community specific forums.  Breakouts will be split between Company
Grade (O1-O3) and Field Grade (O4-O5) and by community: Combat Arms,
Information, Combat Service Support, and Aviation.  Marines are
encouraged to report to sessions commensurate with their grade to
ensure an optimum experience for the target audience, with the
exception of Captains that are being screened for Major who should
report to the Field Grade Town Hall. 
3.c.2.  Subject:  An informal question and answer forum where
Monitors will address community specific concerns to establish a
shared understanding of the constraints and restraints for the
subject populations.
3.c.3.  Timeframe:  Approximately 2 hours.  Town halls will begin
approximately 30 minutes after the Road Show brief to allow for
3.d.  Key Leader Engagements 
3.d.1.  Target audience:  Chiefs of Staff, Executive Officers, and
Manpower Officers at O7 major subordinate elements/commands. 
3.d.2.  Subject:  Executive-level discussion on the manning and
staffing priorities for the formation, with particular emphasis on
local operational requirements that may influence the Service’s
slate.  Leaders should be prepared to discuss forecasted vacancies,
internal slating preferences, and assignments that require
additional screening considerations, such as aides or staff
3.d.3.  Timeframe:  Approximately 1 hour.
3.e.  Command Engagements 
3.e.1.  Target audience:  Commanders, Executive Officers, and
Assistant Chiefs of Staff.
3.e.2.  Subject:  Synchronize Monitors with the preferences,
requirements, and operational priorities of tactical formations.
Leaders should be prepared to discuss forecasted vacancies and
internal slating preferences.  Commands should identify and be
prepared to discuss their in-zone populations.  MMOA’s priority is
to ensure Marines are aligned to rank appropriate structure as soon
as possible.
3.e.3.  Timeframe:  Approximately 1 hour.
3.f.  Virtual 1-on-1 Monitor Interviews
3.f.1.  Target audience:  The primary audience is natural 2025
movers.  The secondary audience are Marines being considered for the
next rank on calendar year 2024 promotion boards. 
3.f.2.  Subject:  Monitors will discuss relevant board selections,
record competitiveness, career path decision points, and other
topics as required by the Monitor or desired by the Marine.  Marines
must be prepared to answer those and other questions during the
interview.  Commands and mentors are encouraged to counsel Marines
beforehand to ensure optimal use of limited time. 
3.f.3.  Timeframe.  15 minute 1-on-1 interviews for O5 and below, 20
minutes for O6.  Additional meetings will be scheduled as necessary
or available between the Marine and Monitor.
3.f.4. Interview Scheduling.  Monitors will publish individual
interview schedules NLT 31 August 2024.  Access instructions for the
interview will be provided via the MMOA website.  Priority for
interviews will be summer 2025 movers.  Marines being considered for
the next rank will schedule interviews during a deliberate block
outlined by their new PMOS Monitor at the end of the scheduling
window.  Marines that desire routine career counseling are asked to
engage MMOA no earlier than March of 2025.
4.  Coordinating instructions
4.a.  Slating Guidance.
4.a.1.  The adjustment of statutory promotion boards enables MMOA to
expedite the assignment processes and issue orders to Marines
earlier than in past years. Commanders are highly encouraged to
review the below recommendations to increase MMOA’s ability to
satisfy their preferences and meet the service’s requirements.
4.a.2.  Separation Timelines. MMOA’s recommended timeline for the
submission of separation requests is prior to 1 November 2024. This
allows MMOA to accurately forecast total vacancies and increases its
ability to deliberately plan for staffing shortfalls. Requests
received before this date will be tracked as summer 2025 vacancies;
requests received after will be considered 2026 vacancies. MMOA
considers 1 June through 1 October as the ‘on-cycle’ EAS window.
Commanders should understand that shortfalls created by requests
which deviate from this window will be borne by the command which
endorsed the request.  Commands are encouraged to engage Marines
that are considering transition early and often to create plans that
support the command, the service, and the Marine’s transition. 
4.a.3.  Tour Modification Requests. Extensions and curtailments
received after 1 November 2024 are unlikely to be favorably
endorsed. Commands and Marines are encouraged to submit these
requests as soon as possible for MMOA’s adjudication.
4.a.4.  Billet Nominations and Screening. Commands are encouraged to
work with MMOA to resolve assignments that require additional
screening, such as aides, staff secretaries, or joint critical
requirements, before the 1 November deadline.  Delays in the
nominative assignment process impacts adjacent units and Marines.
After the 1 November deadline, MMOA will work with commands to
identify internal solutions to expedite the execution of the
Service’s slate.
4.a.5.  Career Designation (CD). Commands are encouraged to ensure
junior officers understand the CD process.  Officers who are offered
and accept CD will incur 24 months of obligated service from the
date outlined in the selection MARADMIN.  Officers who accept career
designation may be issued PCS orders within this service obligation
window and therefore incur additional obligated service.  Marines
that decline career designation will execute their EAS as outlined
in their signed service agreement.  EAS extension requests by those
who decline CD will not normally receive favorable endorsement from
4.b.  Responsible agencies listed in paragraph 3 must assign a site
coordinator for each location.  Upon the release of this message,
site coordinators conduct detailed coordination with MMOA POCs via
separate correspondence.  NLT five business days after the release
of this MARADMIN, responsible agencies will advise the MMOA command
visit coordinators of any scheduling conflicts.  Coordinators will
serve as the primary point of contact for MMOA command visit
coordination from this message until MMOA is actions complete at
each location.  Examples of conflicts include but aren’t limited to:
Major change of command, exercises prohibiting attendance at any
location, or command liberty periods.
4.c.  Funding.  MM funds all travel, lodging, and rental vehicle
expenses for the MMOA Command Visit team.  MMOA requires vehicle
support while visiting Okinawa and Iwakuni.
4.d.  Facilities.  MMOA requests facilities support from each
installation and supporting commands to facilitate the roadshow
brief and the town halls.  The manpower brief location requires
audio/visual support in the form of large screen/s to project the
roadshow brief product and microphones for 2-4 speakers.  Town halls
require visual support in the form of screen/s to project field
specific information and no audio support.
5.  Points of contact:
    Maj Vincent J. DePinto
    Email: [email protected]
    Comm: (703)784-9272
    Maj Andrew J. Rudd
    Comm: (703)784-9276
    Email: [email protected]
    Maj Cameron A. Hubbard
    Comm: (703)784-9267
    Email: [email protected]
6.  This message is not applicable to the Marine Corps Reserve.
7.  Release authorized by BGen Ryan S. Rideout, Director, Manpower
Management Division./