Connecting People, Creating
Frameworks For Change.

MCEDV advocates for the right of all people to live free from domestic abuse and all forms of violence.

What We Do

The Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence serves our network of nine members throughout the state, helping them do the very best work they can for survivors of abuse. We also provide support for state level partners as they respond to abuse, create frameworks to inform the public's understanding of the issue, and advocate for policies that will hold abusive people to account and keep survivors safe.

Training & Technical Assistance

MCEDV offers training, consultation and technical assistance to statewide and multi-regional entities, seeking to improve their responses to domestic abuse.

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Public Policy Work

MCEDV strives to bring the voices of survivors to discussions of public policy, and to center our solutions on those most impacted by abuse.

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Member Services

MCEDV offers support to our nine members as they work in communities across the state to provide direct assistance to people affected by domestic violence, and to improve the ways communities and institutions respond to abuse.

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MCEDV engages in collaborative initiatives that further our mission and address the root causes of abuse.

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Get Help

Our member resource centers are available to all people impacted by domestic abuse and violence. Are you looking for help managing the risks posed by your partner? Could you use some non-judgmental emotional support? Maybe you are worried about someone in your life who is experiencing abuse? No matter which of these applies, advocates are here for you. Don’t hesitate to call.

Find Help Now

Take Action

Domestic abuse and violence impacts our entire community. Together, we can transform our culture into one where domestic abuse and violence no longer exist. Every day, Mainers are finding ways both big and small to make a difference. Learn more about how you can get involved.

Take Action Now

Learn About Abuse

Get the facts about domestic abuse. Learn about common tactics of abusive people, find statistics, access Maine-specific publications and materials, and more.

Domestic Violence Information & Resources

Latest Blog Posts

Maine Acts to Strengthen Stalking Laws

This winter, both the Maine Legislature and the Maine Law Court acted to protect a strong statutory response to stalking crimes in our state. Last June, the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Counterman v. Colorado raised constitutional questions about some of Maine’s statutes, including our stalking statute.  The decision immediately resulted in litigation in Maine’s…

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Survivors Speak Out re: the Impact of VOCA-Funded Programs

On January 23, 2024, Maine survivors shared their stories with the Legislature’s Joint Standing Committee on Judiciary as part of the Public Hearing on LD 2084: An Act to Provide Funding for Essential Services for Victims of Crime. Survivors spoke and wrote about how important services provided by domestic violence programs have been to them,…

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Maine Domestic Abuse Homicide Review Panel Releases 14th Biennial Report

The Maine Domestic Abuse Homicide Review Panel released its 14th biennial report yesterday at a press conference at the State House. Speakers included Governor Janet Mills, Attorney General Aaron Frey, Assistant Attorney General Lisa Marchese, and MCEDV Executive Director Francine Garland Stark. The Panel, comprised of professionals from multiple systems and state agencies, reviews cases…

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