Trump Reveals One Weird Trick To Solve Drug Addiction And Alcoholism — And Even Cigarettes!


Former President Donald Trump revealed to Sean Hannity the secret to defeating drug addiction, alcoholism, and even cigarettes — an undeceptively simple one.

First Son Hunter Biden went on trial this week on charges that were once part of a plea deal that fell apart after ex-President Donald Trump and many other Republicans complained loudly about it.

During an exclusive interview with Trump on Wednesday night’s edition of Fox News Channel’s Hannity, Trump and Hannity said they have sympathy for Hunter’s struggles with addiction.

Then Trump revealed a trick to defeating addictions of every kind that’s so simple, you’ll feel like an idiot for not thinking of it first:

HANNITY: There are other legal — there are real legal issues.

TRUMP: Excuse me.

The really big stuff and their trial — look, I feel very badly for them in terms of the addiction part of what they have right now.


TRUMP: Because I understand the addiction world. And I have also — not only a brother. I have lost a lot of friends to addiction, drugs, alcohol. And there are other addictions also, frankly. It would be nice if people would do certain things and live certain ways.

But you’re not able to — they’re just not able to break it. I have had — I have had friends that are so strong. My brother was a strong person. I have had friends that were so strong, so powerful, they couldn’t stay away from a glass of alcohol. They couldn’t stay away from a drug. They had to have a drug.

But you know the way that you solve the problem? Don’t have them. If you don’t have a taste for alcohol — I remember, when I was going to school, college, I had a friend, he hated the taste of Scotch, hated it. It was like…


TRUMP: But he wanted to develop it because, socially, he thought it was a good thing. He would sit down with the bankers and all the — at the Wharton School of Finance, they want to have dinners with bankers, right? That’s a big thing.

And they want to — he developed the taste for Scotch. And by the time he finished, he ended up being a very bad alcoholic.


TRUMP: He’s — I mean, 20, 25 years later, he ended up being an alcoholic. And he couldn’t stay away.

I say the way you stay away, just don’t drink. Just don’t have it. If you don’t have drugs, if you don’t experience early on, you’re not going to have a need for it. You’re not going to have an addiction. If you don’t drink alcohol, you’re not going to have an addiction. You’re not going to have this insatiable urge to have a drink.

And I say that to people with your children. They ask me, what do you think and, children, what do you tell them? I say, no drugs, no alcohol. I also say, no cigarettes. Don’t have the cigarettes. Don’t have cigarettes. Don’t have them. I have friends that can’t stop smoking. If they never had a cigarette before, they’d have no problem.

When I look at a friend that can’t stop smoking, I don’t understand why it’s hard to stop. There’s smoke all over the place. The fact is, if you never had a cigarette — I never had a cigarette. I have no urge to smoke. But if you are, you get addicted. It has something, and you just can’t stop.

Watch above via Fox News Channel’s Hannity.

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