Toward Realistic Hands Gesture Interface: Keeping it Simple for Developers and Machines

Established: April 1, 2017

Project Prague (opens in new tab) is a cutting-edge, easy-to-use SDK that creates more intuitive and natural experiences by allowing users to control and interact with technologies through hand gestures. Based on extensive research, it equips developers and UX designers with the ability to quickly design and implement customized hand gestures into their apps.

The research behind Project Prague is described this Publication (opens in new tab):

Eyal Krupka, Kfir Karmon, Noam Bloom, Daniel Freedman, Ilya Gurvich, Aviv Hurvitz, Ido Leichter, Yoni Smolin, Yuval Tzairi, Alon Vinnikov, and Aharon Bar-Hillel. 2017. Toward Realistic Hands Gesture Interface: Keeping it Simple for Developers and Machines. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1887-1898. DOI:


The following link leads to the Tagged Hands Data Set (opens in new tab).

The following link leads to the Project Prague SDK (opens in new tab).


Portrait of Eyal Krupka

Eyal Krupka

Partner Research Manager

Portrait of Aviv Hurvitz

Aviv Hurvitz

Research Software Development Engineer