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A professional hub for family service providers

OneOp is a virtual professional development platform for service providers working with military families. It offers high-quality, research-based, multidisciplinary learning opportunities, resources and network activities created in collaboration with the Defense Department and land-grant university subject matter experts. OneOp identifies and shares promising practices, research- and evidence-based information, educational materials and programming efforts to support professionals working in all family service areas. Continuing education credits are offered free of charge and span a wide variety of subject areas and credentialing agencies.

2024 Military Family Readiness Academy

Learn how you can help address economic insecurity and support the well-being of military families by participating in OneOp’s Military Family Readiness Academy.

Expand your professional practice

OneOp supports your work with military families by equipping you with knowledge spanning a wide variety of family readiness topics:

  • Military service and family life: Contribute to family readiness by getting to know the programs, services, opportunities and experiences that are part of military life.
  • Health and well-being: Learn how to promote the resilience of individuals and families through physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual components of health.
  • Community engagement: Explore personal and professional practices that empower service providers to work together to support military families and thriving communities.

High-impact learning opportunities from a trusted resource

OneOp has been collaborating with the Defense Department for over 14 years to support, develop and expand the workforce of professionals who lift up our nation’s military families. OneOp staff work directly with subject matter experts to create learning opportunities that reflect the Defense Department’s priority areas in real time. You can be confident that OneOp resources will enhance your ability to support military families as they navigate the challenges and experiences of military life.

Take advantage of a variety of OneOp resources

  • Discover:
    • Utilize free and open-access to research-based and evidence-informed programming and resources for providers working with military families.
    • Learn how to be a Powerful Provider and increase your impact with military families. Providers are powerful when they work together as a ready, knowledgeable and networked community.
    • The annual Military Family Readiness Academy offers special learning and engagement opportunities focused on multidisciplinary, complex and timely issues faced by family service providers in their work. Choose from a wide range of topics and learn from experts.
  • Learn:
  • Engage:

    Join Today

    Join OneOp’s Practicing Connection group on LinkedIn.

    • Learn, share, and discuss diverse topics relevant to today’s family service professionals, ranging from sexualized behaviors of youth and children to welcoming a military family with special needs, cultural competency, navigating the complexity of finances and many more.
    • Join OneOp’s Practicing Connection LinkedIn community to connect with other providers, practice networking and partnership-building skills and grow your professional network.
    • Engage with newsletters, blog posts, podcasts, videos, journal articles and more on topics ranging from the effects of trauma in young children to working with LGBTQ families, the complex impacts of deployment and much more.

OneOp supports the Military Family Readiness System by expanding the professional knowledge, readiness, and networks of all providers supporting military service members and their families.

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