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Office of Special Needs EFMP

EFMPThe Defense Department Office of Military Community and Family Policy, Office of Special Needs produced the Office of Special Needs EFMP podcast to help military families learn about the Exceptional Family Member Program and other resources.

Listen as experts discuss topics of interest to military families who have a member with special needs. Learn how to build a community of support, connect with assistance on the installation and in the community, and use resources including and EFMP & Me.

This podcast series is also a great resource for service providers and leaders to share with the service members and families they support.

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Most Recent Episodes

Exceptional Family Member Program Standardization — Monitoring and Oversight Enhancements

Learn about enhancements to monitoring and oversight of the Exceptional Family Member Program.

Exceptional Family Member Program Standardization — Respite Care Enhancements

Learn how respite care has been standardized across the services and what that means for families. Find out the process for determining eligibility and what branches will be impacted the most.

Exceptional Family Member Program Standardization — Background and Summary

Hear an overview of the standardization of EFMP and how the recent changes and enhancements will improve the experience for families enrolled in the program.

Exceptional Family Member Program Standardization — Identification and Enrollment

Learn about recent enhancements to the Exceptional Family Member Program identification and enrollment process for military families with special medical and/or educational needs.

Exceptional Family Member Program Standardization — CONUS Assignment Coordination Enhancements

Learn about enhancements to the Exceptional Family Member Program assignment coordination process and how military families can benefit from these changes.

Exceptional Family Member Program Standardization — EFMP Family Support Services Enhancements

Learn about the enhancements to EFMP Family Support services. The enhancements are a part of the Defense Department’s new standardization policy for EFMP.

Preparing for Deployments

Each deployment is different, and every family member may react differently to deployment. Being prepared can ease stress and help you look ahead to reunion and reintegration.

Advocating for Yourself and Others

Learning to advocate for yourself or others takes time and practice. EFMP experts break down the process into simple steps and share plenty of stories and tips to illustrate how you can become a great advocate.

Safety and Emergency Considerations

Keep your family and your family member with special needs safe day to day, and learn to prepare for unforeseen emergencies. This session can help you create and exercise safety and emergency plans.

Preparing for Separation or Retirement From the Military

Whether you are separating or retiring from the military, having a plan in place can help ease the transition to civilian life for your family. Learn where to go for assistance when you need it.

Building a Support System

Navigating military life, particularly with a family member with special needs, can be overwhelming. Learn how to overcome challenges, find and use resources, and make lifelong connections.

EFMP and the Medical Component

Learn about the medical component of EFMP including managing paperwork and keeping up with changes to ensure smooth transitions. Information on organizational tools and other resources is provided.

Legal and Long-Term Financial Planning (Part 2)

Part 2 of Legal and Long-Term Financial Planning covers guardianship, conservatorship, long-term planning and introduces resources/ information for managing and improving financial and legal health.


Caring for a family member with special needs can take an emotional and physical toll. Get information about self-care, asking for help and building community.

Legal and Long-Term Financial Planning (Part 1)

Preparing financially and legally for a family member with special needs who may require long-term care or other considerations is critical. Learn about wills, special needs trusts and much more.

Medical and Education Transitions of a PCS Move

EFMP families may face unique challenges and concerns during a PCS move. Get insight on smoothing medical and education transitions that can arise when moving to a new state or a new country.

Education Special Needs and Early Intervention Services

Get info and resources associated with educational special needs, early intervention services and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, including education checklists on the EFMP & Me tool.

Exceptional Family Member Program Overview

Learn about benefits and services available to military families with special needs through the Office of Special Needs, the Exceptional Family Member Program and the EFMP & Me tool.

Learn about military bases worldwide. Get installation overviews, check-in procedures, housing, neighborhood information, contacts for programs and services, photos and more.

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