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Exceptional Family Member Program Courses


The courses and videos below help empower family members with special needs to get the most from the Exceptional Family Member Program.

Through these resources, families will learn how to identify eligibility for early intervention services and organize medical and school records, as well as ways to establish a relationship with the school, smart strategies to meet their family’s needs when moving and more. They also provide EFMP Family Support providers with practical tips for helping families enrolled in EFMP on their installation.

Learn more about each of the EFMP courses below.

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These courses support the home, family and body areas of your MilLife.

EFMP info for families

Being a parent and advocating for your child can feel overwhelming, but the following courses offer tips and resources to help you. Learn more about navigating different programs and services your child may qualify for, such as early intervention or individualized education programs, available at school. You can also learn about four federal programs that assist families with special needs, as well as transition services for youth interested in postsecondary education.

Take this course to learn more about the available services and resources for adults with special needs. Topics include housing and transportation options, effective advocacy, considerations for living independently, opportunities for community involvement, advanced education and employment options, and support services available to you and your family.
Length: Varies based on selections
Do you wonder if your child has developmental delays? This course outlines early childhood milestones and helps parents identify if their child may be experiencing delays.
Length: 15 minutes
Do you have a child age 0-3 with special needs? This course provides basic information on early intervention services that focus on enhancing the capacity of the family to meet the child’s needs.
Length: 20 minutes
Does someone in your family have a disability? The government may be able to help. Take this course to learn about the four federal programs available to assist you.
Length: 20 minutes
Do you have an exceptional child with special educational needs who is about to complete high school? Take this course to learn about postsecondary transition services and resources and how they can help your child thrive.
Length: 20 minutes
Are you the parent or guardian of a child with a disability and do not feel the school is meeting their unique needs? Use this course to learn about the dispute process, including tips for productive meetings and the differences between formal and informal approaches. You will also discover how to locate additional helpful resources.
Length: 20 minutes
Are you concerned that your child is not learning at the same pace or in the same way as their peers? If so, your child may have a special educational need affecting their learning. Take this course to learn how to initiate steps and understand concepts inherent to the special education process.
Length: 25 minutes

EFMP Family Support provider training

Explore the services available for families with special needs. The following six videos offer quick insight into using different resources and tools ─ such as the Special Care Organization Record, which makes it easier for someone else to step into the role of caregiver, if needed. You’ll also discover practical tips for organizing important papers, such as educational documents and medical records.

How do you build, enhance and support your EFMP Family Support Program? This module takes you through four practical steps to effectively build your program and tailor it to your installation to support military families with special needs. Learn how to grow your knowledge of your current program, identify gaps, implement solutions while promoting your program and provide continuous enhancements to stay connected with your ever-changing community.
Length: 25 minutes
As a service provider, how do you track interactions and progress with families? This module answers that question and more, focusing on the value of case notes, the components that should comprise each case note and the practices for completing quality case notes.
Length: 1 hour
How do you organize and record a family’s needs, help them document and track goals, and support them during a PCS? Take this module to learn how to complete the EFMP Family Needs Assessment. This form documents and tracks the needs and goals of families with special needs. It can also help families and individuals identify, organize and prioritize support and services.
Length: 15 minutes

EFMP videos

Explore the services available for families with special needs. The following six videos offer quick insight into using different resources and tools ─ such as the Special Care Organization Record, which makes it easier for someone else to step into the role of caregiver if needed. You’ll also discover practical tips for organizing important papers, such as educational documents and medical records.

We all want to be heard and understood. This video offers communication tips and techniques you can practice in everyday settings. You’ll learn how to express your thoughts and concerns in a respectful and productive manner.
Length: 4 minutes
In this video, you’ll explore the services available for children under the age of 3 who have a disability or developmental delay. These early intervention services help young children learn and thrive while providing support to the whole family.
Length: 3 minutes
Explore the services the Exceptional Family Member Program can offer your family in this video. Family members of all ages with special medical or educational needs are eligible. Learn how the program can make a difference in your life.
Length: 6 minutes
So many documents, so little time! Getting organized and staying that way is doable. In this video, you’ll find examples of educational documents and important medical records you’ll want to keep organized. We’ll also share tools to help you keep everything in order.
Length: 4 minutes
Discover tips on easing your family’s transition to a new duty station through planning your move. With a plan in place, you can be confident your family will arrive at your new duty station mission-ready. This video will help you in your journey.
Length: 4 minutes
Learn how the Special Care Organization, or SCOR, Record can help you maintain records for your family member with special needs. Using the SCOR will make it easier for someone else to step into the role of caregiver, if needed.
Length: 5 minutes
Speaking up isn’t always easy, especially when it comes to advocating for ourselves. Learning how to speak up for yourself and letting others know your wants and needs is an important skill to have at any age. It’s never too late to start. To learn more about self-advocacy, check out this video.
Length: 4 minutes

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