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Department of Defense Directory on Early Intervention, Special Education and Related Services in OCONUS Communities

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School Liaison Support

Local school liaisons represent, inform and assist military families with school-related issues, including special education support.

Whether your family is moving to Ansbach, Germany or Camp Zama, Japan, you’ll want to know everything you can about overseas schools, especially if you have children with special educational needs. The Department of Defense Directory on Early Intervention, Special Education and Related Services in OCONUS Communities explains the levels of support in overseas communities for military dependents with special educational needs.

Use the OCONUS directory to:

  • Review the location of programs in each military community outside the contiguous U.S.
  • Identify the support level offered by programs in these communities.
  • Find out which communities offer specialized services – including early intervention and special education.

How is the OCONUS directory organized?

  • Chart 1 identifies special education resources by country and communities in each country. It lists community schools, levels of special education resources and notes availability of services at specific schools.
  • Chart 2 lists schools by community and identifies military installation type, the military component that provides early intervention services through Educational and Developmental Intervention Services and EDIS clinic locations.
  • Chart 3 lists communities with specialized Level 3 services.

What else should I know about the OCONUS directory?

  • Military medical departments and Department of Defense schools use the directory to make travel recommendations for military dependents with special needs to overseas locations.
  • Only specially trained professionals should match children’s needs with resources in communities outside the continental U.S.
  • The directory does not identify preestablished programs or services for special medical needs.
  • Being assigned to a location listed in the directory doesn’t guarantee early intervention services or participation in special education programs.

Explore the directory to connect with the services your family needs.

Get support before you move

Reach out to your EFMP Family Support provider prior to your PCS to request a warm handoff to the gaining Family Support provider. Locate the EFMP Family Support provider near you by visiting MilitaryINSTALLATIONS.

Contact your local school liaison before you move

Your local school liaison offers a variety of education support for family members with special needs, including help with transitioning to a new school, navigating the special education system in your current school or addressing general education issues and needs. School liaisons can also assist with referral to the DOD Exceptional Family Member Program.

Image of Podcast Microphone

How School Liaisons Can Help With Special Education podcast

Listen to this podcast to learn how school liaisons can help with special education and find the resources and support available to your family.

For more details on moving overseas with an individual education program, see An Overview of Special Education.

EFMP resources

Visit EFMP & Me to create a customized checklist for your family. Review the OCONUS PCS section for tips and resources for your OCONUS move. Tune in to the EFMP and the Medical Component episode of the Office of Special Needs EFMP podcast series, to get additional tips for smoothing your medical and educational transitions when you move.

Take advantage of available services offered by EFMP Family Support on your installation. Or, call Military OneSource at 800-342-9647 or use live chat to schedule an appointment with a special needs consultant. OCONUS/International? View calling options. Appointments are available seven days a week.

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