As the larger than life frontman of legendary rock band Queen Freddie Mercury had millions of fans around the world.

They were all left heartbroken when he passed away from AIDS on November 24, 1991, aged just 45.

Freddie had only revealed he was battling the disease the day before in an emotional statement to fans.

The singer had always valued his privacy was determined to protect this until the very end but following reports about his clearly failing health he made the brave decision to let his supporters know the truth.

His statement read: "Following the enormous conjecture in the press over the last two weeks, I wish to confirm that I have been tested HIV positive and have AIDS.

Freddie Mercury was just 45 when he lost his battle against AIDS

"I felt it correct to keep this information private to date to protect the privacy of those around me.

"However, the time has come now for my friends and fans around the world to know the truth and I hope that everyone will join with me, my doctors and all those worldwide in the fight against this terrible disease."

Only those in Freddie's inner circle knew the truth. His Queen bandmates had been told and were there to support their frontman and friend.

After his death, his bandmate Brian May revealed the full extent of his torment.

Back in 2017, May confirmed Freddie has lost most of his foot as his heath declined.

Freddie Mercury's Queen bandmates were some of the only people to know he was ill

Speaking to The Sunday Times, he explained: "The problem was actually his foot, and tragically there was very little left of it.

"Once, he showed it to us at dinner. And he said, 'Oh Brian, I'm sorry I've upset you by showing you that'.

"And I said, 'I'm not upset, Freddie, except to realise you have to put up with all this terrible pain'."

The woman described as the 'love of Freddie's life', Mary Austin, was also aware of his diagnosis and was one of the few people who were allowed to see him in his final weeks.

Close friend Elton John was also told about the devastating diagnosis and has described the agony of watching his friend deteriorate before his eyes as the cruel illness ravaged his body.

Freddie was close friends with Elton John

Despite keeping his illness a secret, Freddie still wanted to spend time with his friend during his last days.

But Elton could only spend limited time at the Queen frontman's bedside because he found what was happening to him so upsetting.

In his memoir, Elton wrote: "He was too frail to get out of bed, he was losing his sight, his body was covered in Kaposi's sarcoma lesions, and yet he was still definitely Freddie, gossiping away, completely outrageous.

"I couldn’t work out whether he didn’t realise how close to death he was or if he knew perfectly well but was determined not to let what was happening to him stop him being himself."

And one other person who was always at Freddie's side was his trusted personal assistant Peter Freestone, who Freddie nicknamed Phoebe.

Freddie with his PA and close friend, Peter Freestone (

Peter was working in the wardrobe department of the Royal Ballet when he first met Freddie in 1979 and the pair struck up a firm friendship.

A year later, Peter quit his job and started working for the Bohemian Rhapsody singer.

He said: "I was Freddie's chief cook and bottle washer, waiter, butler, secretary, cleaner and agony aunt. I travelled the world with him, I was with him during the highs and came through the lows."

As well as acting as the superstar's PA, Peter also worked as his body guard and in his final months, his nurse.

The pair's bond was so close Peter lived with Freddie at his stunning Garden Lodge home in Kensington.

Freddie nicknamed Peter, Phoebe (
Ken McKay/ITV/REX)

And while he remembers raucous parties, Peter insists the house was often a peaceful and comfortable place.

Freddie would speak to Peter of his fears about AIDS and his friend believes the Radio Gaga legend first suspected he was ill as early as 1987 - but refused to seek medical help.

It was his beloved Mary who finally persuaded Freddie to visit his doctor when he developed a mark on his hand.

After visiting Switzerland in the final month of his life, Freddie made the heartbreaking decision to stop all the medication that was treating his condition and simply managed his pain.

Peter said: "He made all his arrangements. I think he just felt and knew it was his time.

Freddie with the woman who was the love of his life, Mary Austin (
Alan Davidson/REX/Shutterstock)

"Freddie decided to stop his medication on his own terms. He knew the consequences of his actions and had the time then to talk with friends and family and say his goodbyes."

But Freddie had one final request to make of his PA and confidante - he wanted one final tour of the home he so loved.

Peter said: "Freddie was downstairs in Garden Lodge on the 20th November, as he wanted to see some of his art works for one last time."

Too weak to manage it on his own, he was carried downstairs by his bodyguard but managed to walk round his living room and Japanese room, leaning on Peter for support.

Peter said: "He commented on how and when he had acquired a few of the pieces [in his home].

Freddie on stage for Queen's legendary Live Aid performance (

"Of course there was a quiet atmosphere in the house during those last days, but Freddie remained the Freddie we knew until the end."

Only Freddie's close family and friends were invited to his funeral and his ashes were buried in secret by Mary.

For more than 20 years, Mary has never revealed Freddie Mercury's final resting place out of respect for the man she loved so deeply.

And the Queen legend had a heartbreaking reason for his request in his last days.

AIDS was still very much feared in 1991 and Mary believes he was worried his final resting place would be targeted by vandals.

In an interview with Mail Online Mary said: "He didn't want anyone trying to dig him up as has happened with some famous people.

"Fans can be deeply obsessive - he wanted it to remain a secret and it will remain so."

Mary took her vow to her former partner so seriously not even his parents know where his ashes are.