Protecting wildlife now can prevent extinction later | ECOVIEWS
Whit Gibbons 
How labor unions dominated post-war Alabama | INSIDE THE STATEHOUSE
Steve Flowers 
Alabama's education funding formula must change to empower all our children | RHONDA MANN
Rhonda Mann 
For John Lewis, it’s always been 'good trouble'—and still Is today | B.J. HOLLARS
B.J. Hollars 
Presidential debate will matter more than conventions | GARY COSBY JR.
Gary Cosby Jr. 
The unpunished crimes of the Clotilda — and Alabama | BRIAN LYMAN
Brian Lyman 
Letter: Make Puerto Rico a state, or make it independent
Daniel Haulman 
Gassing humans to death is wrong | STEPHEN COOPER
Stephen Cooper 
Alabama and America's energy independence | JEFFREY CLARK
Jeffrey Clark 
Fob James was Alabama's Trump, before Trump | PERRY O. HOOPER JR.
Perry O. Hooper Jr. 
Do pine snakes eat pinecones? | ECOVIEWS
Whit Gibbons 
Letter: Harris would be a better candidate without supporting abortion
Daniel Haulman 
States risk violating separation of church and state | GARY COSBY JR.
Gary Cosby Jr. 
Dare to be the 'Prince of Poo': Get a colonoscopy | PHIL WILLIAMS
Phil Williams 
Letter: Convicted felon Trump accusing Harris of being soft on crime
Ron Yeomans 
Trump may have told one lie too many | ELAINE HARRIS SPEARMAN
Elaine Harris Spearman 
Alabama has deep roster of effective mayors | INSIDE THE STATEHOUSE
Steve Flowers 
Letter: Tenants suffering in extended stay housing in Montgomery
Rev. Rose H. McCall 
Want better voter turnout? Ditch the 1901 Alabama Constitution | BRIAN LYMAN
Brian Lyman 
Letter: Does Trump really care about you or this country?
Sheldon E. Jeames 
Electoral College doesn't always follow vote | GARY COSBY JR.
Gary Cosby Jr. 
Free speech in danger in Great Britain; is US next? | PHIL WILLIAMS
Phil Williams 
Letter: Capitalism versus socialism
Daniel Haulman 
Wes Allen makes his mark on Alabama politics | INSIDE THE STATEHOUSE
Steve Flowers 
Letter: Cosby should condemn the venom from Donald Trump
Joel Sanders