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Craig Hoesley, MD

Site PI

Primary email: [email protected]
Primary phone: +1 205 934-3365
Fax: +1 205 975-3232


Mailing address

University of Alabama at Birmingham
1530 3rd Avenue South VH 201
Birmingham, AL 35294-0019
United States

Shipping Address

University of Alabama at Birmingham
1530 3rd Avenue South VH 201
Birmingham, AL 35294-0019
United States


Alabama CRS (-------)


HPTN 059 (Protocol Co-Chair)
MTN-001 (Investigator)
MTN-005 (Protocol Chair)
MTN-007 (Site Investigator)
MTN-012/IPM 010 (Site Investigator)
MTN-013/IPM 026 (Site Investigator)
MTN-015 (Investigator)
MTN-023/IPM 030 (Site Investigator)
MTN-024/IPM 031 (Site Investigator)
MTN-026 (Site Investigator)
MTN-027 (Protocol Chair)
MTN-029/IPM 039 (Site Investigator)
MTN-036/IPM 047 (Site Investigator)
MTN-039 (Investigator of Record)