Savory Hamantaschen


A friend of mine posted a photo this weekend of mashed potato and spinach hamantaschen from a bakery in Tel Aviv, and I was completely floored. Potato and spinach hamantaschen!? I had never seen such a treat, nor tasted one.

Well as the New York Times reported last year unique flavors including savory varieties are all the rage when it comes to Hamantaschen in Israel currently.

I haven’t tried to make any yet, but it seems like I might have to soon!

If you want to go for an innovative Hamantaschen recipe you can try these Savory Hamantaschen with onions and feta cheese by Avigail Hurvitz-Prinz.

In my recipe browsing I also came across a recipe for Pumpkin filling Hamantaschen and onion and mushroom filling Hamantaschen.

Happy cooking!


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