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Get ready to create unforgettable memories this summer with AIR MILES' 'Collect more moments' campaign, designed to help you gather meaningful experiences—not just miles. This immersive pop-up event encourages attendees to put down their phones and live in the moment.

On July 24, The Moment Shop mobile pop-up is coming to Taste of Edmonton from 11 a.m.—until prizing runs out. This Instagram-worthy experience features shelves of "moment boxes" waiting to be picked. Each box offers unique experiences, from karaoke nights and spa days to doggy birthday parties, and more. AIR MILES aims to strengthen your connections with loved ones through spontaneous fun and relaxing adventures. So mark your calendars and get ready for an experience that will bring joy, connection, and fun to your summer!

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Prépare-toi à combattre la chaleur avec les boissons estivales et les récompenses ensoleillées de Starbucks. Tous les vendredis après-midi, commence bien ton week-end avec Starbucks. Les membres Récompenses Starbucks peuvent profiter de 25 % de rabais sur n'importe quelle boisson glacée maison du menu standard jusqu'à la fermeture, et ce, jusqu'au 9 août. Mais attends, il y a plus! Starbucks a lancé un nouveau menu rafraîchissant rempli de boissons glacées et de délicieuses options alimentaires parfaites pour des pique-niques spontanés et des lunchs d'été. Voici ce qu'il y a de nouveau au menu Starbucks:

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Are you ready for rewards that give you more of what you're actually craving? Well, if you're an AIR MILES collector in Toronto, you don't want to miss The Moment Shop!

From July 5-7 and 11-14, this AIR-MILES-themed pop-up will take over 360 Queen Street West, specifically to help you create memorable experiences with the people who matter most.

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Canadians have been grappling with expensive mobile plans for years, which is why Fizz — an affordable alternative with irresistible perks — has been turning heads.

Known for its reliable service, generous loyalty program and unbeatable prices ($34 for 60 GB!), Fizz has been a hit and is now available in Ontario, Manitoba, British Columbia and Alberta.

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Ready to spark your child's sense of adventure? Costway has the perfect bikes to get your kids off their screens and exploring the great outdoors. Perfect for ages 3-8, these bikes make every ride an exciting journey—and they're budget-friendly too! With 95% of the bike arriving pre-assembled, setup is a breeze. Packed with features perfect for your growing kids, including easy-to-remove training wheels, your child will be riding like a pro in no time!

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