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As the new school year rolls around, it’s not just your wardrobe that needs a refresh—your tech setup could use some love too! With so many cool tools available in 2024, why not make this the year you go beyond the basics and use smart tech to get ahead?

Here are four ways to bring some game-changing tech into your back-to-school routine. Whether it’s handy writing tools or simple scheduling tricks, these tips will help you tackle your goals and make this year your best one yet.

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The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Narcity Media.

Dating in any city can be pretty savage, but you know the city's a particularly hot mess when there's a local Facebook group called "Are we dating the same guy in Vancouver?"

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If you're on the hunt for a new home, you may want to check out listings in this Ontario city.

The vibrant community boasts beautiful green spaces, a charming downtown and more, and you don't have to drop a ton of money in order to live there.

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If you're in the market for a new home, you may want to look at listings in this Ontario city. The community was recently named one of the "best affordable places to live" in Canada and you can score properties for under $500,000.

There's no need to move to a remote town in order to find some cheap real estate. This city offers bustling streets, vibrant shops, a lively food scene and more.

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If housing prices have you sweating, you may want to consider moving to one of these Ontario cities. These communities were recently named among the 'best affordable places to live' in Canada and allow you to enjoy city life without a hefty price tag.

There's no need to move to the middle of nowhere in order to find some affordable real estate. These cities offer culture, attractions and more, with housing prices well below the national average.

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