2006 Nebraska Cropland Data Layer | NASS/USDA


United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Research and Development Division (RDD), Geospatial Information Branch (GIB), Spatial Analysis Research Section (SARS)
Publication_Date: 20070314
Title: 2006 Nebraska Cropland Data Layer | NASS/USDA
Edition: 2006 Edition
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: raster digital data
USDA, NASS Marketing and Information Services Office, Washington, D.C.
Publisher: USDA, NASS
NASS maintains a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) section on the CDL website at <https://www.nass.usda.gov/Research_and_Science/Cropland/SARS1a.php>. The data is available free for download through CropScape at <https://nassgeodata.gmu.edu/CropScape/>. The data is also available free for download through the Geospatial Data Gateway at <https://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/>. See the 'Ordering Instructions' section of this metadata file for detailed Geospatial Data Gateway download instructions.
***Special Note for the 2006 Nebraska CDL*** The non-agricultural domain (urban, forest, wetlands, grasslands) were taken from the USGS, 2001 National Land Cover Database (NLCD) and burned into the final 2006 CDL. Newer CDLs (2007 and forward) did not burn in the NLCD non-agricultural categories, rather the non-ag NLCD categories are now sampled proportionate to the available agricultural ground truth and used as an actual classification training input.
Online_Linkage: <https://nassgeodata.gmu.edu/CropScape/NE>
The USDA, NASS Cropland Data Layer (CDL) is a raster, geo-referenced, crop-specific land cover data layer. The 2006 CDL has a ground resolution of 56 meters. The CDL is produced using satellite imagery from the Landsat 5 TM sensor, Landsat 7 ETM+ sensor, and the Indian Remote Sensing RESOURCESAT-1 (IRS-P6) Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS) collected during the current growing season.
Some CDL states used additional satellite imagery and ancillary inputs to supplement and improve the classification. These additional sources can include the United States Geological Survey (USGS) National Elevation Dataset (NED), the USGS National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD 2001), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) 250 meter 16 day Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) composites.
Agricultural training and validation data are derived from the Farm Service Agency (FSA) Common Land Unit (CLU) Program. The NLCD 2001 is used as non-agricultural training and validation data.
Please refer to the 'Supplemental_Information' Section of this metadata file for a complete list of all imagery, ancillary data, and training/validation data used to generate this state's CDL.
The strength and emphasis of the CDL is agricultural land cover. Please note that no farmer reported data are derivable from the Cropland Data Layer.
The purpose of the Cropland Data Layer Program is to use satellite imagery to (1) provide acreage estimates to the Agricultural Statistics Board for the state's major commodities and (2) produce digital, crop-specific, categorized geo-referenced output products.
If the following table does not display properly, then please visit the following website to view the original metadata file <https://www.nass.usda.gov/Research_and_Science/Cropland/metadata/meta.php>.
USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service 2006 Nebraska Cropland Data Layer

AD02: IRS AWiFS Path 263 Row(s) 37 Quadrant(s) C and D, 06/06/2006
          IRS AWiFS Path 263 Row(s) 42 Quadrant(s) A and B, 06/06/2006
          IRS AWiFS Path 264 Row(s) 39 Quadrant(s) B, C and D, 07/29/2006
          IRS AWiFS Path 266 Row(s) 39 Quadrant(s) A, B, C and D, 07/15/2006
          IRS AWiFS Path 266 Row(s) 40 Quadrant(s) D, 07/15/2006
          IRS AWiFS Path 266 Row(s) 41 Quadrant(s) B, 07/15/2006
AD03: IRS AWiFS Path 266 Row(s) 39 Quadrant(s) A, B, C and D, 07/15/2006
          IRS AWiFS Path 266 Row(s) 40 Quadrant(s) D, 07/15/2006
          IRS AWiFS Path 266 Row(s) 41 Quadrant(s) B, 07/15/2006
          IRS AWiFS Path 269 Row(s) 38 Quadrant(s) C, 05/19/2006
          IRS AWiFS Path 269 Row(s) 39 Quadrant(s) C, 05/19/2006
          IRS AWiFS Path 269 Row(s) 43 Quadrant(s) A and B, 05/19/2006
          IRS AWiFS Path 269 Row(s) 37 Quadrant(s) D, 07/30/2006
          IRS AWiFS Path 269 Row(s) 39 Quadrant(s) A, C and D, 07/30/2006
          IRS AWiFS Path 269 Row(s) 41 Quadrant(s) B, 07/30/2006
AD04: IRS AWiFS Path 265 Row(s) 39 Quadrant(s) B and D, 08/03/2006
          IRS AWiFS Path 266 Row(s) 39 Quadrant(s) A, B, C and D, 07/15/2006
          IRS AWiFS Path 269 Row(s) 37 Quadrant(s) D, 07/30/2006
          IRS AWiFS Path 269 Row(s) 39 Quadrant(s) A, C and D, 07/30/2006
          IRS AWiFS Path 269 Row(s) 41 Quadrant(s) B, 07/30/2006
AD05: IRS AWiFS Path 261 Row(s) 39 Quadrant(s) B and D, 07/14/2006
          IRS AWiFS Path 263 Row(s) 37 Quadrant(s) C and D, 06/06/2006
          IRS AWiFS Path 263 Row(s) 42 Quadrant(s) A and B, 06/06/2006


NOTE: The final extent of the CDL is clipped to the state boundary
even though the raw input data may encompass a larger area.

NOTE: Accuracy statistics are for the entire state rather than by individual Analysis District.
Beginning_Date: 20060101
Ending_Date: 20061231
Currentness_Reference: 2006 growing season
Progress: Complete
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned
West_Bounding_Coordinate: -104.2134
East_Bounding_Coordinate: -95.3117
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 42.9932
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 39.9437
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Category
Theme_Keyword: farming, 001
Theme_Keyword: environment, 007
Theme_Keyword: imageryBaseMapsEarthCover, 010
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords
Earth Science > Biosphere > Terrestrial Ecosystems > Agricultural Lands
Theme_Keyword: Earth Science > Land Surface > Land Use/Land Cover > Land Cover
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Instrument Keywords
Theme_Keyword: MODIS > Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Theme_Keyword: crop cover
Theme_Keyword: cropland
Theme_Keyword: agriculture
Theme_Keyword: land cover
Theme_Keyword: crop estimates
Theme_Keyword: AWiFS
Theme_Keyword: MODIS
Theme_Keyword: Landsat
Theme_Keyword: Cropscape
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Location Keywords
Place_Keyword: Continent > North America > United States of America > Nebraska
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Place_Keyword: Nebraska
Place_Keyword: NE
Temporal_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Temporal_Keyword: 2006
Access_Constraints: None
The USDA, NASS Cropland Data Layer is provided to the public as is and is considered public domain and free to redistribute. The USDA, NASS does not warrant any conclusions drawn from these data. If the user does not have software capable of viewing GEOTIF (.tif) file formats then we suggest using the Cropscape website <https://nassgeodata.gmu.edu/CropScape/> or the freeware browser ESRI ArcGIS Explorer <https://www.esri.com/>.
Contact_Organization: USDA, NASS, Spatial Analysis Research Section
Contact_Person: USDA, NASS, Spatial Analysis Research Section staff
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Room 5029 South Building
City: Washington
State_or_Province: District of Columbia
Postal_Code: 20250-2001
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 800-727-9540
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 855-493-0447
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: [email protected]
Data_Set_Credit: USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service
Security_Classification_System: None
Security_Classification: Unclassified
Security_Handling_Description: None
Microsoft Windows XP; Leica Geosystems ERDAS Imagine <http://gi.leica-geosystems.com/>; ESRI ArcGIS <https://www.esri.com/>; Rulequest See5.0 <http://www.rulequest.com/>; NLCD Mapping Tool <https://www.mrlc.gov/>.
ERDAS Imagine is used in the pre- and post- processing of all raster-based data. ESRI ArcGIS is used to prepare the vector-based Farm Service Agency (FSA) Common Land Unit (CLU) training and validation data. Rulequest See5.0 is used to create a decision-tree based classifier. The NLCD Mapping Tool is used to apply the See5.0 decision-tree via ERDAS Imagine. This is a departure from older versions of the CDL that were created using in-house software (Peditor) based upon a maximum likelihood classifier approach. Check this section and the 'Process Description' section of the specific state and year metadata file to verify what methodology was used.
If the following table does not display properly, then please visit this internet site <https://www.nass.usda.gov/Research_and_Science/Cropland/metadata/meta.php> to view the original metadata file.
Attribute      Cover              Correct        Producer       Commission     Conditional
Code           Type               Pixels         Accuracy       Error          Kappa
----           ----               ------         --------       -----          -----
1              Corn               589106         97.75          4.55           95.12
4              Sorghum            12623          51.59          21.44          51.03
5              Soybeans           298425         96.73          5.38           95.5
6              Sunflowers         1638           32.85          32.42          32.75
21             Barley             30             83.33          0              83.3
24             Winter Wheat       122216         94.93          10.04          94.29
25             Other Grains/Hay   1599           61.81          5.75           61.8
27             Rye                4177           57.36          14.6           57.2
28             Oats               4023           45.14          7.83           44.9
29             Millet             9684           63.28          35.14          62.95
36             Alfalfa            45207          79.03          11.28          78.12
41             Beets              512            23.17          16.99          23.17
42             Dry Beans          2906           30.24          28.94          30.24
43             Potatoes           1829           72.67          13.78          72.63
               Overall            1093975        93.68                         89.97

NOTE: This accuracy assessment table was derived from the original public release version
that had a smoothing filter applied.
*NOTE: Correct Pixels represents the total number of independent validation pixels correctly identified in the error matrix.
**NOTE: The Overall Accuracy represents only the FSA row crops and annual fruit and vegetables (codes 1-61 and 200-255).
FSA-sampled tree and shrub crops, aquaculture, and all NLCD-sampled categories (codes 62-199) are not included in
the Overall Accuracy.
The above accuracy assessment information is for agricultural land cover classes only. The accuracy of the non-agricultural land cover classes within the Cropland Data Layer is entirely dependent upon the USGS, National Land Cover Database (NLCD 2001). Thus, the USDA, NASS recommends that users consider the NLCD for studies involving non-agricultural land cover. For more information on the accuracy of the NLCD please reference <https://www.mrlc.gov/>. ***NOTE: The attribute codes above may not necessarily match the most current coding scheme. Please check the Entity_and_Attribute_Detail_Citation Section of this metadata file to verify the current attibute codes and category names.
Classification accuracy is generally 85% to 95% correct for the major crop-specific land cover categories. See the 'Attribute Accuracy Report' section of this metadata file for the detailed accuracy report.
The strength and emphasis of the CDL is crop-specific land cover categories. The accuracy of the CDL non-agricultural land cover classes is entirely dependent upon the USGS, National Land Cover Database (NLCD 2001). Thus, the USDA, NASS recommends that users consider the NLCD for studies involving non-agricultural land cover.
These definitions of accuracy statistics were derived from the following book: Congalton, Russell G. and Kass Green. Assessing the Accuracy of Remotely Sensed Data: Principles and Practices. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Inc. 1999. The 'Producer's Accuracy' is calculated for each cover type in the ground truth and indicates the probability that a ground truth pixel will be correctly mapped (across all cover types) and measures 'errors of omission'. An 'Omission Error' occurs when a pixel is excluded from the category to which it belongs in the validation dataset. The 'User's Accuracy' indicates the probability that a pixel from the CDL classification actually matches the ground truth data and measures 'errors of commission'. The 'Commission Error' represent when a pixel is included in an incorrect category according to the validation data. It is important to take into consideration errors of omission and commission. For example, if you classify every pixel in a scene to 'wheat', then you have 100% Producer's Accuracy for the wheat category and 0% Omission Error. However, you would also have a very high error of commission as all other crop types would be included in the incorrect category. The 'Kappa' is a measure of agreement based on the difference between the actual agreement in the error matrix (i.e., the agreement between the remotely sensed classification and the reference data as indicated by the major diagonal) and the chance agreement which is indicated by the row and column totals. The 'Conditional Kappa Coefficient' is the agreement for an individual category within the entire error matrix.
The Cropland Data Layer (CDL) has been produced using training and independent validation data from the Farm Service Agency (FSA) Common Land Unit (CLU) Program (agricultural data) and United States Geological Survey (USGS) National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD 2001). More information about the FSA CLU Program can be found at <https://www.fsa.usda.gov/>. More information about the NLCD 2001 can be found at <https://www.mrlc.gov/>. The CDL encompasses the entire state unless noted otherwise in the 'Completeness Report' section of this metadata file.
Completeness_Report: The entire state is covered by the Cropland Data Layer.
The Cropland Data Layer retains the spatial attributes of the input imagery. The Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 7 ETM imagery was obtained via download from the USGS Global Visualization Viewer (Glovis) website <https://glovis.usgs.gov/>. Please reference the metadata on the Glovis website for each Landsat scene for positional accuracy. The majority of the Landsat data is available at Level 1T (precision and terrain corrected). The AWiFS imagery used in the production of the Cropland Data Layer is purchased with an orthorectified level of processing. Thus, the CDL will retain the input imagery's positional accuracy of 60 meters at the circular error at the 90 percent confidence level (CE90). CE90 is a standard metric often used for horizontal accuracy in map products and can be interpreted as 90% of well-defined points tested must fall within a certain radial distance.
Indian Remote-Sensing Satellite series of ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization)
Title: RESOURCESAT-1 (IRS-P6) Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS)
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: remote-sensing image
Publisher: EOTec (Earth Observation Technologies, LLC)
Publication_Place: Washington, D.C. 20008
Publication_Date: 2006
The RESOURCESAT-1 (IRS-P6) AWiFS satellite sensor operates in four spectral bands at a spatial resolution of 56 meters. Additional information about AWiFS data can be obtained at <https://data.gov.in/>. The AWiFS imagery used in the Cropland Data Layer is obtained through a partnership with the USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service, International Production Assessment (IPA) Program. Refer to the 'Supplemental Information' Section of this metadata file for specific scene date, path, row and quadrants used as classification inputs.
For the 2006 CDL Program, for CDLs produced at a 30 meter spatial resolution the AWiFS imagery was resampled to 30 meters to match the Landsat spatial resolution. The resample used bilinear interpolation, polynomial approximation, polynomial order of 3.
Source_Scale_Denominator: 56 meter
Type_of_Source_Media: CD-ROM and/or DVD
Beginning_Date: 20060925
Ending_Date: 20061230
Source_Currentness_Reference: ground condition
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: AWiFS
Source_Contribution: Raw data used in land cover spectral signature analysis
United States Geological Survey (USGS), Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS)
Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+)
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: remote-sensing image
Publisher: USGS, EROS
Publication_Place: Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57198-001
Publication_Date: 2006
The Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 7 ETM+ data is free for download through the following website <https://glovis.usgs.gov/>. Additional information about Landsat data can be obtained at <https://www.usgs.gov/centers/eros>. Refer to the 'Supplemental Information' Section of this metadata file for specific scene date, path and rows used as classification inputs.
Source_Scale_Denominator: 30 meter
Type_of_Source_Media: online download
Beginning_Date: 20061001
Ending_Date: 20061230
Source_Currentness_Reference: ground condition
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: Landsat
Source_Contribution: Raw data used in land cover spectral signature analysis
United States Geological Survey (USGS) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC)
Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), 250 meter resolution 16-day composite Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from the Terra satellite (MOD13Q1v4)
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vegetation indices based on remote-sensing imagery
Publisher: USGS Center for Earth Resources Observation and Sciences (EROS)
Publication_Place: Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57198 USA
Publication_Date: 2006
The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), 250 meter resolution 16-day composite Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data products from the Terra satellite (MOD13Q1v4) are downloaded from <https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/>. Often late-season MODIS NDVI data are used from the previous growing season in an effort to improve winter wheat detection. Refer to the 'Supplemental Information' Section of this metadata file for specific dates used as classification inputs.
Source_Scale_Denominator: 250 meter
Type_of_Source_Media: online download
Beginning_Date: 20061001
Ending_Date: 20060930
Source_Currentness_Reference: ground condition
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: MODIS
Source_Contribution: NDVI data used in land cover spectral signature analysis
United States Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Data Center
Title: The National Elevation Dataset (NED)
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: remote-sensing image
Publisher: USGS, EROS Data Center
Publication_Place: Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57198 USA
Publication_Date: 2006
The USGS NED Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is used as an ancillary data source in the production of the Cropland Data Layer. Slope and Aspect derived from the DEM are also used as additional classification inputs. More information on the USGS NED can be found at <https://www.usgs.gov/core-science-systems/national-geospatial-program/national-map>. Refer to the 'Supplemental Information' Section of this metadata file for the complete list of ancillary data sources used as classification inputs.
Source_Scale_Denominator: 30 meter
Type_of_Source_Media: online
Calendar_Date: unknown
Source_Currentness_Reference: ground condition
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: NED
spatial and attribute information used in land cover spectral signature analysis
United States Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Data Center
Title: National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD 2001)
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: remote-sensing image
Publisher: USGS, EROS Data Center
Publication_Place: Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57198 USA
Publication_Date: 2006
The NLCD 2001 was used as ground training and validation for non-agricultural categories. Additionally, the USGS NLCD 2001 Imperviousness and Tree Canopy layers were used as ancillary data sources in the Cropland Data Layer classification process. More information on the NLCD 2001 can be found at <https://www.mrlc.gov/>. Refer to the 'Supplemental Information' Section of this metadata file for the complete list of ancillary data sources used as classification inputs.
Source_Scale_Denominator: 30 meter
Type_of_Source_Media: online
Calendar_Date: unknown
Source_Currentness_Reference: ground condition
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: NLCD
spatial and attribute information used in the spectral signature training and validation of non-agricultural land cover
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Farm Service Agency (FSA)
Title: USDA, FSA Common Land Unit (CLU)
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data
Publisher: USDA, FSA Aerial Photography Field Office
Publication_Place: Salt Lake City, Utah 84119-2020 USA
Publication_Date: 2006
Access to the USDA, Farm Service Agency (FSA) Common Land Unit (CLU) digital data set is currently limited to FSA and Agency partnerships. During the current growing season, producers enrolled in FSA programs report their growing intentions, crops and acreage to USDA Field Service Centers. Their field boundaries are digitized in a standardized GIS data layer and the associated attribute information is maintained in a database known as 578 Administrative Data. This CLU/578 dataset provides a comprehensive and robust agricultural training and validation data set for the Cropland Data Layer. Additional information about the CLU Program can be found at <https://www.fsa.usda.gov/>.
Source_Scale_Denominator: 4800
Type_of_Source_Media: online
Calendar_Date: unknown
Source_Currentness_Reference: ground condition, updated annually
Source_Citation_Abbreviation: FSA CLU
spatial and attribute information used in the spectral signature training and validation of agricultural land cover
***Special Note for the 2006 Nebraska CDL*** The non-agricultural domain (urban, forest, wetlands, grasslands) were taken from the USGS, 2001 National Land Cover Database (NLCD) and burned into the final 2006 CDL. Newer CDLs (2007 and forward) did not burn in the NLCD non-agricultural categories, rather the non-ag NLCD categories are now sampled proportionate to the available agricultural ground truth and used as an actual classification training input.
The Cropland Data Layer (CDL) Program provides the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) with internal proprietary county and state level acreage indications of major crop commodities, and secondarily provides the public with "statewide" (where available) raster, geo-referenced, categorized land cover data products after the public release of county estimates. This project builds upon the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) traditional crop acreage estimation program, and integrates the enumerator collected ground survey data with satellite imagery to create an unbiased statistical estimator of crop area at the state and county level for internal use. No farmer reported data is revealed, nor can it be derived in the publicly releasable Cropland Data Layer product.
Every June thousands of farms are visited by enumerators as part of the USDA/NASS June Agricultural Survey (JAS). These farmers are asked to report the acreage, by crop, that has been planted or that they intend to plant, and the acreage they expect to harvest. Approximately 11,000 area segments are selected nationwide for the JAS. The segment size can range in size from about 1 square mile in cultivated areas to 0.1 of a square mile in urban areas, to 2-4 square miles for larger probability proportional to size (PPS) segments in rangeland areas. This division allows intensively cultivated land segments to be selected with a greater frequency than those in less intensively cultivated areas. The 150-400 square miles of ground truth collected during the JAS provides a great ground truth training set annually.
The Area Sampling Frame (ASF) is a stratification of each state into broad land use categories according to the percentage of cropland present. The ASF is stratified using visual interpretation of satellite imagery. The sampling frames are constructed by defining blocks of land whose boundaries are physical features on the ground (roads, railroads, rivers, etc). These blocks of land cover the entire state, do not overlap, and are placed in strata based on the percent of land in the block that is cultivated. The strata allow for efficient sampling of the land, as an agriculturally intensive area will be more heavily sampled than a non ag intensive area.
The enumerators draw off field boundaries onto NAPP 1:8,000 black and white aerial photos containing the segment, according to their observations and the farmer reported information. The fields are labeled and the cover type is recorded using a grease pencil on the aerial photo. Enumerators account for every field/land use type within a segment. They assign each field a cover type based upon a fixed set of land use classes for each state. Every field within a segment must fit into one of the pre-defined classes.
The program methodology is a continuous process throughout the year. The first step "Segment Preparation" establishes the training segments, digitizes the perimeters, and distributes software and data to the field offices, this goes from February to late May. Segment digitizing begins during the JAS and continues until all fields and all segments are completely digitized, this may run thru July or even until mid-October in some states depending on human resource availability. Segment cleanup analyzes the newly digitized segments with the new acquired imagery. Fields that are bad either by digitizing or cover type are corrected or removed from training. Scene processing fits each segment onto a scene by shifting, and cloud-influenced segments are removed. The cluster/classification process runs in concert with the scene processing steps, as segments are shifted they can be clustered. This process is iterative, and can run into December. Estimation can be performed once a scene is finished classification, and the user is satisfied with the outputs. Estimation can begin as early as late October and run into late January/February. The mosaic process runs once estimation is completed. It is also iterative and can go from late December to March. The mosaic for a particular state is released once the county estimates are officially released for that state.
Scene selection begins in early summer, and could run into the late fall depending on image availability. The Cropland Data Layer program primarily uses the Landsat platform for acreage estimation. However, other platforms such as Spot and the Indian IRS platforms are used to fill "data acquisition" holes within a state. A spring and summer date of observation is preferred for maximum crop cover separation for multi-temporal analysis of summer crops. If only one date of observation is available (unitemporal), a mid summer date is preferred. If only an early spring date March-May or a fall date September-October is available (unitemporal) during the growing season, then it is best to not use that scene or analysis district for estimation, as bare soil in the spring and fully senesced crops in the fall will provide erroneous results.
The clustering/classification is an iterative process, as fields get misclassified, they can be fixed or marked as bad for training and reprocessed. Known pixels are separated by cover type and clustered, within cover type using a modified ISODATA clustering algorithm, as it allows for merging and splitting of clusters. Modified implies that the output clusters are not labeled (other than as coming from the input cover type) as they can be reassigned later if desired. Clustering is done separately for each cover type (or specified combination of cover types, such as all small grains). The clustered cover types are then assembled together into one signature file, where entire scenes are classified using the maximum likelihood algorithm. Clustering is based on the LARSYS (Purdue University) ISODATA algorithm. It performs an iterative process to divide pixels into groups based on minimum variance. The pairs of clusters in close proximity (based on Swain-Fu distance) are merged. High variance clusters can be split into two clusters (variance of first principal component is used as a measure). The output of any clustering program is a statistics file which stores mean vectors and covariance matrices of final set of clusters.
The outputs are a categorized or classified image in PEDITOR format and the associated accuracy statistics for each cover type. The maximum likelihood classifier performs a pixel-by-pixel classification based on the final, combined statistics file. It calculates the probability of each pixel being from each signature; then classifies a pixel to the category with highest probability. The processing time depends on size of file to be classified (i.e. number of pixels), number of categories in the statistics file and number of input dimensions (number of bands/pixel).
For estimation purposes, clouds can be minimized by defining Analysis Districts (AD) along adjacent scene edges, by cutting the Analysis Districts by county boundary, or cutting the clouds out by primary sampling units. Analysis Districts can be individual or multiple scenes footprints that have to be observed on the same date, and analyzed as one. An AD can be comprised of one or more scenes. An AD can be defined by either a scene edge or a county boundary. Multi-temporal AD's are possible as long as both dates in all scenes are the same. A single or multi-scene AD will use all potential training fields for clustering/classification/estimation. Several factors can lead to problems in a classification, some get corrected in early edits and some do not:
Several factors can lead to problems in a classification, some get corrected in early edits and some do not: poor imagery dates, with respect to the major crops of interest, complete training fields that are incorrectly identified in the ground truth, parts of training fields that are not the same as the major crop or cover type, irrigation ditches, wooded areas, low spots filled with water, and/or bare soil areas in an otherwise vegetated field. Crops that look alike to the clustering algorithm(s) due to planting/growing cycle: spring wheat and barley at almost any time, crops in senescence, and grassy waste fields and idle cropland. Cover types that are essentially the same but used differently: wooded pasture versus woods or waste fields (only difference may be the presence of livestock), corn for grain versus corn silage, and cover crops such as rye and oats. Cover types that change signatures back and forth during the growing season: alfalfa and other hays before and after cutting, with multiple cuttings per year. Once the analyst is satisfied with the classification, the next step can be acreage estimation or image mosaicking.
Three estimation methods are available for each AD: regression, pixel ratio and direct expansion. Where available, regression is chosen as the preferred type of estimation. This approach essentially corrects the area sample (ground only) estimate based on the relationship found between reported data and classified pixels in each stratum where it is used. A regression relationship should be based on 10 or more segments for any stratum used. Where there are not enough segments in each stratum, a pixel based ratio estimator may be used which essentially combines data across stratum to get the relationship. Finally, the direct expansion (total number of possible segments times the average for sampled segment) may be used in the absence of pixel based methods. Regression adjusts the direct expansion estimate based on pixel information. It usually leads to an estimate with a much lower variance than direct expansion alone. Segments, called outliers, which do not fit the linear relationship estimated by the regression are reviewed; if errors are found, they are corrected or that segment may be removed from consideration in the analysis.
Full scene classifications (large scale) are run wherever the regression or pixel ratio estimates are usable. Estimates derived from the classification are compared to the ground data to make one final check. State estimates are made by summing pixel based estimators where available and ground data only estimators everywhere else. County estimates are then derived from the state estimates using a similar approach. Final numbers are delivered to state field offices and the NASS Agricultural Statistics Board for their use in setting the official final estimates. The states also have administrative data, such as FSA certified acres at the county level, and other NASS survey data. Every 5th year, NASS also performs the Census of Agriculture at the county level.
The Landsat TM/ETM+ scenes that SARS uses are radiometrically and systematically corrected. There is a need to tie down registration points on a continuing basis for every state in the project. Without some image/image registration, the scene registration tends to float 2-3 pixels in any given direction, for any given scene. Manual registration for every scene of every project, would be nearly impossible, as the CDL is on a repeating production cycle every year, and human resource levels for this process are low. Image recoding is necessary between different analysis districts, to rectify to a common signatures set for a state. Clouds pose a problem when trying to make acreage estimates, and there are mechanisms within Peditor to minimize their extent, as there are ways to minimize cloud coverage in the mosaic process by prioritizing scene overlap.
Each categorized scene is co-registered to EarthSat's GeoCover LC imagery (50 meters RMS), and then stitched together using Peditor's Batch program. A block correlation is run between band two from each raw scene, and band two of the ortho-base image. The registration of the GeoCover mosaicked scene and the individual raw input scenes are used to get an approximate correspondence. A correlation procedure is used on the raw Landsat scenes and the mosaicked scene to get an exact mapping of each pixel from the input Landsat scenes to the mosaicked scene. The results of the correlation are used to remap the pixels from the individual input scenes into the coordinate system of the mosaicked scene. The mosaic process now performs: 1) Precision registration of images automatically, 2) Converts each categorized image and associated statistics file to a set standard automatically (recode), 3) Specify overlap priority by scene or county, 4) Filters out clouds when possible. The scenes are stitched together using the priorities previously assigned from the scene observation dates/analysis districts map. Scenes/analysis districts with better quality observation dates are assigned a higher priority when stitching the images together. Clouds are assigned a null value on all scenes, and scenes of lower priority that are cloud free, take precedence over clouded higher priority images. Once cloud cover is established throughout the mosaic the clouds are assigned a digital value.
All CDL distribution for the previous crop year is held until the release of the official NASS county estimates for the major commodities grown within a given state. Corn and Soybeans are released in March for the previous crop year - Midwestern States. Rice and Cotton are released in June for the previous crop year - Delta States. Small grains are released in March for the Great Plains States.
NASS publishes all available accuracy statistics for end-user viewing. The Percent Correct is calculated for each cover type in the ground truth, it shows how many of the total pixels were correctly classified (i.e. across all cover types). 'Commission Error' is the calculated percentage of all pixels categorized to a specific cover type that were not of that cover type in the ground truth (i.e. incorrectly categorized). CAUTION: a quoted Percent Correct for a specific cover type is worthless unless accompanied by its respective Commission Error. Example: if you classify every pixel in a scene to 'wheat', then you have a 100% correct wheat classifier (however its Commission Error is also almost 100%). The 'Kappa Statistic' is an attempt to adjust the Percent Correct using information gained from the confusion matrix for that cover type. Many remote sensing groups use the Percent Correct and/or Kappa statistics as their final measure of classification accuracy.
PUBLIC RELEASE: The USDA, NASS Cropland Data Layer is considered public domain and free to redistribute. The official website is <https://www.nass.usda.gov/Research_and_Science/Cropland/SARS1a.php>. The data is available free for download through CropScape <https://nassgeodata.gmu.edu/CropScape/> and the Geospatial Data Gateway <https://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/>. See the 'Ordering Instructions' section of this metadata file for detailed download instructions. Please note that in no case are farmer reported data revealed or derivable from the public use Cropland Data Layer.
Process_Date: 2006
Contact_Organization: USDA/NASS/RDD/SARS
Contact_Person: USDA-NASS Remote Sensing Analyst for Iowa
Address_Type: mailing address
Address: 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Room 5029 South Building
City: Washington
State_or_Province: District of Columbia
Postal_Code: 20250-2001
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 800-727-9540
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 855-493-0447
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: [email protected]
Indirect_Spatial_Reference: Nebraska
Direct_Spatial_Reference_Method: Raster
Raster_Object_Type: Pixel
Row_Count: 6166
Column_Count: 13218
Albers Conical Equal Area as used by mrlc.gov (NLCD)
FOR GEOSPATIAL DATA GATEWAY USERS: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), Spheriod WGS84, Datum WGS84. Due to technical restrictions, the online data available free for download through the Geospatial Data Gateway <https://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/> can only be offered in UTM. The UTM Zones are as follows: Zone 11 - California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington; Zone 12 - Arizona, Montana, Utah; Zone 13 - Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming; Zone 14 - Kansas, North Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas; Zone 15 - Arkansas, Iowa, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri; Zone 16 - Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Tennessee; Zone 17 - Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia; Zone 18 - Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont; Zone 19 - Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island. However, the official Cropland Data Layer available at <https://nassgeodata.gmu.edu/CropScape/> includes the data in its native Albers Conical Equal Area coordinate system.
Standard_Parallel: 29.500000
Standard_Parallel: 45.500000
Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -96.000000
Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 23.000000
False_Easting: 0.000000
False_Northing: 0.000000
Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: row and column
Abscissa_Resolution: 30
Ordinate_Resolution: 30
Planar_Distance_Units: meters
Horizontal_Datum_Name: WGS84
Ellipsoid_Name: WGS84
Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.00
Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257223563
The Cropland Data Layer (CDL) is produced using agricultural training data from the Farm Service Agency (FSA) Common Land Unit (CLU) Program and non-agricultural training data from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) National Land Cover Database 2001 (NLCD 2001). The strength and emphasis of the CDL is crop-specific land cover categories. The accuracy of the CDL non-agricultural land cover classes are entirely dependent upon the NLCD. Thus, the USDA, NASS recommends that users consider the NLCD for studies involving non-agricultural land cover.
If the following table does not display properly, then please visit the following website to view the original metadata file <https://www.nass.usda.gov/Research_and_Science/Cropland/metadata/meta.php>.
 ***NOTE: The 1997-2013 CDLs were recoded and re-released in January 2014 to better represent pasture and grass-related categories. A new
 category named Grass/Pasture (code 176) collapses the following historical CDL categories: Pasture/Grass (code 62), Grassland Herbaceous
 (code 171), and Pasture/Hay (code 181). This was done to eliminate confusion among these similar land cover types which were not always
 classified definitionally consistent from state to state or year to year and frequently had poor classification accuracies. This follows
 the recoding of the entire CDL archive in January 2012 to better align the historical CDLs with the current product. For a detailed list
 of the category name and code changes, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) section at <https://www.nass.usda.gov/Research_and_Science/Cropland/sarsfaqs2.php>.

 Data Dictionary: USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service, 2006 Cropland Data Layer

 Source: USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

 The following is a cross reference list of the categorization codes and land covers.
 Note that not all land cover categories listed below will appear in an individual state.

 Attribute Domain Values and Definitions: NO DATA, BACKGROUND 0

 Categorization Code   Land Cover
           "0"       Background

 Attribute Domain Values and Definitions: CROPS 1-20

 Categorization Code   Land Cover
           "1"       Corn
           "2"       Cotton
           "3"       Rice
           "4"       Sorghum
           "5"       Soybeans
           "6"       Sunflower
          "10"       Peanuts
          "11"       Tobacco
          "12"       Sweet Corn
          "13"       Pop or Orn Corn
          "14"       Mint

 Attribute Domain Values and Definitions: GRAINS,HAY,SEEDS 21-40

 Categorization Code   Land Cover
          "21"       Barley
          "22"       Durum Wheat
          "23"       Spring Wheat
          "24"       Winter Wheat
          "25"       Other Small Grains
          "26"       Dbl Crop WinWht/Soybeans
          "27"       Rye
          "28"       Oats
          "29"       Millet
          "30"       Speltz
          "31"       Canola
          "32"       Flaxseed
          "33"       Safflower
          "34"       Rape Seed
          "35"       Mustard
          "36"       Alfalfa
          "37"       Other Hay/Non Alfalfa
          "38"       Camelina
          "39"       Buckwheat

 Attribute Domain Values and Definitions: CROPS 41-60

 Categorization Code   Land Cover
          "41"       Sugarbeets
          "42"       Dry Beans
          "43"       Potatoes
          "44"       Other Crops
          "45"       Sugarcane
          "46"       Sweet Potatoes
          "47"       Misc Vegs & Fruits
          "48"       Watermelons
          "49"       Onions
          "50"       Cucumbers
          "51"       Chick Peas
          "52"       Lentils
          "53"       Peas
          "54"       Tomatoes
          "55"       Caneberries
          "56"       Hops
          "57"       Herbs
          "58"       Clover/Wildflowers
          "59"       Sod/Grass Seed
          "60"       Switchgrass

 Attribute Domain Values and Definitions: NON-CROP 61-65

 Categorization Code   Land Cover
          "61"       Fallow/Idle Cropland
          "63"       Forest
          "64"       Shrubland
          "65"       Barren

 Attribute Domain Values and Definitions: CROPS 66-80

 Categorization Code   Land Cover
          "66"       Cherries
          "67"       Peaches
          "68"       Apples
          "69"       Grapes
          "70"       Christmas Trees
          "71"       Other Tree Crops
          "72"       Citrus
          "74"       Pecans
          "75"       Almonds
          "76"       Walnuts
          "77"       Pears

 Attribute Domain Values and Definitions: OTHER 81-109

 Categorization Code   Land Cover
          "81"       Clouds/No Data
          "82"       Developed
          "83"       Water
          "87"       Wetlands
          "88"       Nonag/Undefined
          "92"       Aquaculture

 Attribute Domain Values and Definitions: NLCD-DERIVED CLASSES 110-195

 Categorization Code   Land Cover
         "111"       Open Water
         "112"       Perennial Ice/Snow
         "121"       Developed/Open Space
         "122"       Developed/Low Intensity
         "123"       Developed/Med Intensity
         "124"       Developed/High Intensity
         "131"       Barren
         "141"       Deciduous Forest
         "142"       Evergreen Forest
         "143"       Mixed Forest
         "152"       Shrubland
         "176"       Grass/Pasture
         "190"       Woody Wetlands
         "195"       Herbaceous Wetlands

 Attribute Domain Values and Definitions: CROPS 195-255

 Categorization Code   Land Cover
         "204"       Pistachios
         "205"       Triticale
         "206"       Carrots
         "207"       Asparagus
         "208"       Garlic
         "209"       Cantaloupes
         "210"       Prunes
         "211"       Olives
         "212"       Oranges
         "213"       Honeydew Melons
         "214"       Broccoli
         "215"       Avocados
         "216"       Peppers
         "217"       Pomegranates
         "218"       Nectarines
         "219"       Greens
         "220"       Plums
         "221"       Strawberries
         "222"       Squash
         "223"       Apricots
         "224"       Vetch
         "225"       Dbl Crop WinWht/Corn
         "226"       Dbl Crop Oats/Corn
         "227"       Lettuce
         "229"       Pumpkins
         "230"       Dbl Crop Lettuce/Durum Wht
         "231"       Dbl Crop Lettuce/Cantaloupe
         "232"       Dbl Crop Lettuce/Cotton
         "233"       Dbl Crop Lettuce/Barley
         "234"       Dbl Crop Durum Wht/Sorghum
         "235"       Dbl Crop Barley/Sorghum
         "236"       Dbl Crop WinWht/Sorghum
         "237"       Dbl Crop Barley/Corn
         "238"       Dbl Crop WinWht/Cotton
         "239"       Dbl Crop Soybeans/Cotton
         "240"       Dbl Crop Soybeans/Oats
         "241"       Dbl Crop Corn/Soybeans
         "242"       Blueberries
         "243"       Cabbage
         "244"       Cauliflower
         "245"       Celery
         "246"       Radishes
         "247"       Turnips
         "248"       Eggplants
         "249"       Gourds
         "250"       Cranberries
         "254"       Dbl Crop Barley/Soybeans
Contact_Organization: USDA, NASS Customer Service
Contact_Person: USDA, NASS Customer Service Staff
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Room 5038-S
City: Washington
State_or_Province: District of Columbia
Postal_Code: 20250-9410
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 800-727-9540
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 855-493-0447
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: [email protected]
Please visit the official website <https://www.nass.usda.gov/Research_and_Science/Cropland/SARS1a.php> for distribution details. The Cropland Data Layer is available free for download at <https://nassgeodata.gmu.edu/CropScape/> and <https://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/>. Distribution issues can also be directed to the NASS Customer Service Hotline at 1-800-727-9540.
Resource_Description: Cropland Data Layer - Nebraska 2006
Disclaimer: Users of the Cropland Data Layer (CDL) are solely responsible for interpretations made from these products. The CDL is provided 'as is' and the USDA, NASS does not warrant results you may obtain using the Cropland Data Layer. Contact our staff at ([email protected]) if technical questions arise in the use of the CDL. NASS does maintain a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) section on the CDL website at <https://www.nass.usda.gov/Research_and_Science/Cropland/SARS1a.php>.
Format_Name: GEOTIFF
Format_Version_Date: 2006
Format_Information_Content: GEOTIFF
Network_Resource_Name: <https://nassgeodata.gmu.edu/CropScape/>
The CDL is available online and free for download from the Cropscape website <https://nassgeodata.gmu.edu/CropScape/>. It is also available free for download from the Geospatial Data Gateway website <https://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/>. See the 'Ordering Instructions' section of this metadata file for detailed Geospatial Data Gateway download instructions.
Please visit the official website <https://www.nass.usda.gov/Research_and_Science/Cropland/SARS1a.php> for distribution details. The Cropland Data Layer is available free for download at <https://nassgeodata.gmu.edu/CropScape/> and <https://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/>. Distribution issues can also be directed to the NASS Customer Service Hotline at 1-800-727-9540.
The CDL is available online and free for download from the Cropscape website <https://nassgeodata.gmu.edu/CropScape/>. The Cropland Data Layer is also available free for download from the NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway at <https://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/>. If you experience problems downloading all years of CDL data through the Geospatial Data Gateway then you can try to use the 'Direct Data Download' link in the lower right-hand corner of their webpage.
For a list of other states and years of available CDL data please visit <https://nassgeodata.gmu.edu/CropScape/> or <https://www.nass.usda.gov/Research_and_Science/Cropland/SARS1a.php>. Distribution issues can also be directed to the NASS Customer Service Hotline at 1-800-727-9540.
If the user does not have software capable of viewing GEOTIF (.tif) or ERDAS Imagine (.img) file formats then we suggest using the Cropscape website <https://nassgeodata.gmu.edu/CropScape/> or using the freeware browser ESRI ArcGIS Explorer <https://www.esri.com/>.
Metadata_Date: 20120131
Contact_Organization: USDA, NASS, Spatial Analysis Research Section
Contact_Person: USDA, NASS, Spatial Analysis Research Section Staff
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Room 5029 South Building
City: Washington
State_or_Province: District of Columbia
Postal_Code: 20250-2001
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 800-727-9540
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 855-493-0447
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: [email protected]
Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata_Access_Constraints: No restrictions on the distribution or use of the metadata file
Metadata_Use_Constraints: No restrictions on the distribution or use of the metadata file

Generated by mp version 2.9.49 on Fri Feb 15 14:37:53 2019