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UMLS® Reference Manual [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2009 Sep-.

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UMLS® Reference Manual [Internet].

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Table 1.

Concept Names and Sources (File = MRCONSO.RRF)

CUIUnique identifier for concept
LATLanguage of term
TSTerm status
LUIUnique identifier for term
STTString type
SUIUnique identifier for string
ISPREFAtom status - preferred (Y) or not (N) for this string within this concept
AUIUnique identifier for atom - variable length field, 8 or 9 characters
SAUISource asserted atom identifier [optional]
SCUISource asserted concept identifier [optional]
SDUISource asserted descriptor identifier [optional]
SABAbbreviated source name (SAB). Maximum field length is 20 alphanumeric characters. Two source abbreviations are assigned:
  • Root Source Abbreviation (RSAB) — short form, no version information, for example, AI/RHEUM, 1993, has an RSAB of "AIR"
  • Versioned Source Abbreviation (VSAB) — includes version information, for example, AI/RHEUM, 1993, has an VSAB of "AIR93"
Official source names, RSABs, and VSABs are included on the UMLS Source Vocabulary Documentation page.
TTYAbbreviation for term type in source vocabulary, for example PN (Metathesaurus Preferred Name) or CD (Clinical Drug). Possible values are listed on the Abbreviations Used in Data Elements page.
CODEMost useful source asserted identifier (if the source vocabulary has more than one identifier), or a Metathesaurus-generated source entry identifier (if the source vocabulary has none)
SRLSource restriction level
SUPPRESSSuppressible flag. Values = O, E, Y, or N
O: All obsolete content, whether they are obsolesced by the source or by NLM. These will include all atoms having obsolete TTYs, and other atoms becoming obsolete that have not acquired an obsolete TTY (e.g. RxNorm SCDs no longer associated with current drugs, LNC atoms derived from obsolete LNC concepts).
E: Non-obsolete content marked suppressible by an editor. These do not have a suppressible SAB/TTY combination.
Y: Non-obsolete content deemed suppressible during inversion. These can be determined by a specific SAB/TTY combination explicitly listed in MRRANK.
N: None of the above
Default suppressibility as determined by NLM (i.e., no changes at the Suppressibility tab in MetamorphoSys) should be used by most users, but may not be suitable in some specialized applications. See the MetamorphoSys Help page for information on how to change the SAB/TTY suppressibility to suit your requirements. NLM strongly recommends that users not alter editor-assigned suppressibility, and MetamorphoSys cannot be used for this purpose.
CVFContent View Flag. Bit field used to flag rows included in Content View. This field is a varchar field to maximize the number of bits available for use.


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