The next chapter in self care

The next chapter in self care

The desire to look good and feel good, inside and out, has been an intrinsic part of human life for millennia. While this pursuit has always felt timeless, the COVID-19 pandemic heightened it for many, making us acutely aware of our health limitations. This new awareness has shaped how we look after ourselves and how we prioritize our well-being. Even as the world grapples with higher interest rates and inflation, we still want to feel good in ourselves. "The cosmetics industry exhibits an acyclic nature," Enrico Zannini, Director General of Cosmoprof Bologna, highlights. "It does not always follow the trajectory of economic growth." This phenomenon is rooted in the 'lipstick effect', a theory suggesting consumers prefer to purchase cosmetics brands to feel good about themselves, even during tough economic times.
However, the ways in which we seek to feel good about ourselves are evolving, encompassing more than just vanity. This feature offers a glimpse into the next chapter of self care, where the cosmetics and wellness industries, along with overall health strategies, are converging to help us lead a more mindful, healthier, and longer life. It examines how societal movements are holding the industry more accountable for the contents of our products and the resulting impact on our planet. Additionally, it underlines how new practices and technologies will shape the way we care for ourselves in the years to come. We welcome you to dive in and learn from the industry leaders that make it all happen.

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