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Newsonomics: California’s local news agreement with Google is a win
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Ziff Davis can’t lay off workers or decrease their salary due to generative AI, according to the tentative contract.
The cable news network plans to launch a new subscription product — details TBD — by the end of 2024. Will Mark Thompson repeat his New York Times success, or is CNN too different a brand to get people spending?
“Thank goodness that the mandate will never be to look what’s getting the most Twitter likes.”
Nieman Lab’s tests show ChatGPT is directing users to broken URLs for at least 10 publications with OpenAI licensing deals.
“The best reader is the one who reads you a lot.”
The people we spoke with tended to assume that news organizations made money primarily through advertising instead of also from subscribers.
Is increasing subscriber numbers by offering people rock-bottom trial prices sustainable?
“Any organization that is dependent on having a founder around is inherently unsustainable.”
Some findings from RISJ’s 2024 Digital News Report.