Nieman Foundation at Harvard
Here’s how 7 news audience directors are thinking about Google’s AI Overviews
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Articles tagged Boston Globe (193)

“They’ve never said, ‘We got that wrong.'”
What is your news site doing with reader comments these days?
“Instead of focusing on one very small geographic area, that same reporter may look for commonalities and trends across multiple areas.”
“We don’t write for white subscribers, but it ends up being white people who read us,” a Midwestern news executive told an audience earlier this year.
Should the worst moment of your life also be your top Google search result? Your “permanent record” is sometimes more about old news stories than court records, and newspapers are increasingly rethinking their responsibilities.
“The Globe’s commitment to covering the coronavirus pandemic continues unabated, as today’s paper and website make plain, but we thought a bit of a diversion might also be welcome.”
“We love our city and these are our neighbors. It’s a difficult time and if we can make a difference, we will.”
After ten years of writing for Nieman Lab, Ken takes a big look back and ahead, defining the state of affairs for the troubled world of journalism.
“Asking people to support the Bee via digital subscription can be a path for us. However, that path is long. This effort can help serve as a bridge.”
“Investigative reporting is great to have, but first we need the basics — and we’re no longer getting them.”