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Articles tagged Twitter (617)

“I cannot emphasize enough how out of character it is that a royal press team went on the record in response to what is essentially gossip.”
Plus: Silent corrections to stories, how viral videos draw attention to right-wing news, and journalists’ (somewhat) like-minded Twitter networks.
“At the time of this writing, it is difficult to avoid the realization that one side of politics — mainly in the U.S. but also elsewhere — appears more threatened by research into misinformation than by the risks to democracy arising from misinformation itself.”
This browser extension can help you undo one piece of the misinformation-related damage Musk has done to the newsiest of social platforms.
If you had to come up with a single move designed to deal a blow to whatever traffic is left and make sharing news more of a hassle, you couldn’t do much better than eliminating headlines from posts.
It now says “X” on the website (you know, the one that’s still at, um, But to the news media and much of the outside world, the name of the old bird platform is still Twitter.
In the spirit of Tronc, Elon Musk has decided to throw away more than a decade of brand equity by changing the name of Twitter to…the letter X. Imagine if more media executives followed his lead.
A number of efforts are underway to document not just the content created on the platform but how Black women used it for communication and community — along with the abuse they received.