Date Publication Number Titel Topic
12/11/2000 No. 2000-2 2000 Fee Rate; Final Annual Fee Rates

2000 Fee Rate; Final

Date: December 11, 2000


Subject: 2000 Fee Rate; Final

The National Indian Gaming Commission (Commission) has adopted final annual fee rate of 0.00% for tier 1 and 0.09% (.0009) for tier 2 for calendar year 2000. This rate applies to all assessable gross revenues from each gaming operation under the jurisdiction of the Commission.

The fees are due in four quarterly payments. Enclosed is a copy of the Federal Register Notice announcing the adoption of this rate.

Please be sure to use calendar year 1999 as the base period for determining 2000 fee payments. Also, please provide the following identifying information: name, address and telephone number of the gaming operation; name of licensing tribe; name and telephone number of contact person.

Should you have any questions, please call Bobby Gordon at (202) 632-7003.