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State of New Jersey Deapartment of Human Services title graphic  
Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services
New Jersey Helps
Reach NJ Addiction Help
Council on Mental Health Stigma
New Jersey Mental Health Cares Hotline
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline   Nacional de Prevencion del Suicidio
National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
New Jersey Housing Resource Center
NJ Family Care
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
The Peer Recovery Warm Line

How do I find mental health services in New Jersey?
If you have insurance, you should contact your insurance company for a list of mental health providers that are in your network.

If you are uninsured or have Medicaid, you can contact your local outpatient community mental health center.  You can
click here to access this information, by county.

How do I find a psychiatrist? Where do I go for a psychiatric or psychological evaluation?
If you have insurance, you should contact your insurance company for a list of psychiatrists or psychologists that is in your network.

If you are uninsured or have Medicaid, you can contact your local outpatient community mental health center.  You can 
click here to access this information, by county.

Is there a place to learn more about my medications?
DMHAS has posted the Medication Manual (
English | Spanish) on the website.  However, it is not intended to replace a frank and detailed discussion about the proposed medication between the prescribing clinician and the consumer (and guardian, if applicable). The information given is not exhaustive and does not attempt to cover every issue involving a given medication. If you have questions or concerns about medication you are taking, it is always best to contact the prescribing clinician to discuss the specific issue.

What is a Psychiatric Advanced Directive?
click here to go to the Psychiatric Advance Directives for Mental Health Care page.

What are my rights as a patient in a psychiatric hospital?
Click here to review your rights.

What do I do if I feel I am or a family member is being mistreated in one of New Jersey’s State Psychiatric Hospitals?
If you believe you or a family member is being mistreated in one of New Jersey's State Psychiatric Hospitals, please 
click here for more information or call the Patient Services Compliance Unit (PSCU) at 1-888-490-8413.

How do I obtain Medical Records from New Jersey State Hospitals?
In order to obtain medical records from a New Jersey State Hospital, you will need to contact the Medical Records Department of the hospital and inquire about their process for obtaining records:

Ancora Psychiatric Hospital
Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital
Hagedorn Psychiatric Hospital
Trenton Psychiatric Hospital
Ann Klein Forensic Center
Marlboro Psychiatric Hospital
(609) 561-1700
(973) 538-1800
(609) 777-0677
(609) 633-1500
(609) 633-0900
(609) 777-0677


How do I find a job working for one of the State Hospitals or with the State of New Jersey?
One can find out about jobs available with the State of New Jersey by contacting the state hospitals (
click here) or the State of New Jersey Employment page.

How do I become a Certified Mental Health Screener in New Jersey?
In order to become a Certified Mental Health Screener in New Jersey, you must be employed by a state-funded Psychiatric Emergency Screening Center and meet the educational qualifications.  You can access information about N.J. Psychiatric Emergency Screening Centers by
clicking here.

I am moving to New Jersey. How do I set-up mental health services in New Jersey?
DMHAS publishes a list of state-funded community mental health agencies that provide mental health treatment in New Jersey.  The Integrated Case Management Services in each county may be your best first contact to determine what services are available in the county you are moving to.  This directory can be accessed, by county, by
clicking here.

How do I find mental health services for someone less than 18 years of age?
The Department of Children and Family Services, Child Behavioral Health Division now manages mental health services for children under 18 years of age.  More information about behavioral and mental health services for children is available on their 

How do I find mental health housing in New Jersey?
DMHAS contracts with and provides funding to residential and supportive housing providers in each county.  these services are listed in our publication of services under Homeless Services, residential services and Supportive Housing.  This list is available by 
clicking here.

For more information on available affordable housing, please visit the N.J. Housing Resource Center for a listing of available rental units and landlords.

Where do I find consumer-operated Self-Help Centers in New Jersey?
New Jersey funds 34 consumer-operated Self-Help Centers with at least one in each of the twenty-one counties.  Self-Help Centers are now on the grounds of Ancora Psychiatric Hospital, Greystone Psychiatric Hospital and Trenton Psychiatric Hospital.  To view a listing of these Self-Help Centers, please 
click here.

How do I get information about disability benefits due to mental illness?
In New Jersey, to apply for Social Security Disability, you need to work through your local county Board of Social Services.  This information can be found at the following link:

County Welfare Agencies (Board of Social Services)

For more information on Federal programs, please access this link:

What is the Chemical Dependency Associate ( CDA ) certificate?
The CDA certificate program is designed for the entry level counselor as a stepping stone towards completing the CADC. The CDA certificate consists of 72 hours of drug and alcohol education, 2,000 hours of documented work experience in a pre-approved facility, and attendance at eight self-help meetings. For more information, contact
The Certification Board, Inc.

What is the Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC) certification?
The CADC certificate is granted to those individuals that complete 270 hours of training, 3000 hours of documented work experience in the addiction field, and attendance at thirty self-help meetings. For more information, contact the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, Office of the Attorney General, State Board of Marriage and Family Examiners, Alcohol and Drug Counselor Committee at 973-594-6582 or at their website:

How do I help my client stay off drugs and alcohol?
It is important to keep in mind that addiction is a disease, and is not the client's fault. Many people who abuse substances experience guilt and shame associated with past conduct. Derogatory comments, threats, and blaming are not productive in changing clients' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Instead, you can support your client's recovery by being supportive and compassionate, by assisting them in making better decisions when faced with risky situations, and by helping them to explore alternatives when handling life issues and disappointments.

Why do so many clients relapse?
Addiction is a chronic, progressive, and often fatal disease characterized by irrational thoughts and habitual behaviors. Clients often find themselves drawn back to abusing substances due to intense psychological and/or physiological cravings. In addition, some clients fail to make behavioral changes that are essential to maintaining a successful, long-lasting recovery program. Recovery requires a life-long commitment that not only demands complete abstinence from all drugs, but also requires life style changes that include supportive counseling and/or self-help meeting involvement.

What is the connection between substance abuse and child abuse?
A 1993 study by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services found that children in alcohol abusing families were nearly 4 times more likely to be abused and neglected overall, almost 5 times more likely to be physically neglected and 10 times more likely to be emotionally neglected than children in non-alcohol abusing families.  Estimates suggest that 40 to 80 percent of all child abuse cases substantiated by child protective agencies involved some degree of substance abuse by the child's parents.

Does a person need to hit rock bottom in order to get help for alcohol and/or other drugs?
This was a commonly held belief held by clients and treatment providers for many years. Clients do not have to hit rock bottom in order to get help. Many clients recognize that their current behaviors are not helping them to maintain and/or achieve life goals. As a result, they often make a decision to seek treatment.

How long does someone need to be on methadone maintenance?
Methadone Maintenance is a medical assisted, evidenced based treatment option that manages the disease of opiate addiction. The goal of maintenance treatment is to reduce illegal heroin use and the crime, death, and disease associated with heroin addiction. When taken as prescribed, methadone maintenance is intended to: 1) relive withdrawal symptoms caused from heroin and other opiates, 2) block the effects of opiates, and 3) keep the client comfortable by eliminating the strong cravings for street opiates, which is often a major factor in relapse. It is important to note when used in proper doses, methadone does not create, euphoria, sedation, and/or an analgesic effect. In addition, in order to meet state and federal standards, a methadone maintenance program must ensure that clients attend counseling and self-help meetings. For that reason, the length of time that someone remains on methadone maintenance is a decision that is made between the client and the treatment agency.

Does a person have to want treatment for it to work?
Again, this was a commonly held belief that is still reinforced by many. When a client uses substances their thinking, their judgment, and their ability to make good decisions are altered. Many clients believe they have control over their lives, but in actuality they do not. Their inability to look at their behaviors objectively affects their capacity to make good decisions. Therefore, expecting all clients to want recovery when they initially enter treatment may be unrealistic. During the treatment process, however, clients discover the nature of addiction and what is required to build a strong recovery program. The client eventually accepts that their substance abuse has become unmanageable, and that a successful recovery program warrants honesty, openness, and willingness.

How many AA meetings does my client need to go to?
This is an individual decision between the client, their counselor, and/or the treatment agency, etc. Some members of AA strongly adhere to a 90 meetings in 90 days philosophy. This may not be practical for all clients. Some clients need the structure, support, and consistency of daily AA meetings. Others may feel comfortable attending 2 to 4 meetings per week. The goal of self-help meetings is to provide the client with camaraderie, support, addiction education, and to reinforce the promises of a recovery life-style. In addition, meetings help clients through the recovery process by providing a sober support network and sponsorship.

How can I report a treatment agency that is not serving the best interests of our clients?
If you suspect that an agency is not delivering services in a professional manner you can contact the Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services at (609) 292-7232. The Division investigates complaints regarding program deficits, client safety, and patient rights. All information reported is anonymous.

Where can I go to find more information about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs?
The New Jersey Prevention Network (NJPN) subcontracts with its member agencies to provide a resource center in each of New Jersey's 21 counties. Each center provides education, information, resource materials, and technical assistance on alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. You can contact NJPN at (732) 367-0611 or at their website

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