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Division of Administrative Rules

         The Division of Administrative Rules within the Office of Administrative Law reviews all State Executive Branch rulemaking notices for compliance with the Administrative Procedure Act, N.J.S.A. 52:14B-1 et seq., and the Office's Rules for Agency Rulemaking, N.J.A.C. 1:30. These notices are then processed by the Division for publication in the New Jersey Register, published twice a month. Following publication of adopted rules in the New Jersey Register, the rules are incorporated into the New Jersey Administrative Code.

         The New Jersey Register and the official New Jersey Administrative Code are published by Matthew Bender & Co., Inc., a member of the LexisNexis Group. Information on subscriptions to the New Jersey Register and on the purchase of the New Jersey Administrative Code, either in its entirely, by title or by copy of a portion, can be obtained by contacting LexisNexis Customer Support at 1-800-833-9844;; or [email protected]. In accordance with the contract between the State and LexisNexis, the New Jersey Register (back to the July 3, 1995 issue) and the New Jersey Administrative Code can also be accessed on-line, on a subscription or transactional fee basis, at In addition, LexisNexis provides free on-line public access to the New Jersey Administrative Code at and the New Jersey Register (from July 1995 on) at

The New Jersey Register from the first issue (September 25, 1969) through June 1995 can be accessed through the New Jersey State Library at home/law library/new jersey legal resources/new jersey register


         The Division of Administrative Rules compiles and maintains documentary records of rulemaking adoptions going back to the original New Jersey Administrative Code in 1970, and, in some cases, beyond. The Division also maintains a substantially complete set of updates to the Code. These documents enable research into the background and historic development of a rule provision.

         Information on the rulemaking process in New Jersey can be obtained at (609) 689-4015. Research requests can be made, and information on filed rulemaking documents obtained, at (609) 689-4015 or (609)689-4012.

(The hyperlinks in the preceding text are posted with the permission of LexisNexis.)