Department of Transportation


  Phone: 609.963.2332       



Alternative Project Delivery:


Design-Build Project Announcement


DB-001 - Route 50 Bridge Over Cedar Swamp Creek

Letter of Intent

Letter of Intent Response Form


NJDOT Design-Build Workshop Presentation


Bureau of Construction Services:

Phone: 609.963.2325


  • Prequalifies and classifies construction contractors.
  • Advertises construction projects.
  • Receives and certifies construction project bids.
  • Awards and executes construction contracts.
  • Maintains contractors' past performance evaluations.
Bureau of Professional Services:

Phone: 609.963.2324


  • Reviews and approves prequalification of consultants.
  • Solicits Technical Proposals and provides a 6 month look ahead for anticipated solicitations.
  • Responsible for Consultant Selection Committee activities and notifying industry of consultant selections.
  • Processes consultant ratings and maintains the Consultant Evaluation System Report.
  • Reviews and approves Cost Basis Approval applications.
  • Processes Corporate Reorganizations.
Bureau of Equipment, Materials, and Supplies:

Phone: 609.963.2317


  • Uses State Contracts for major purchases (90% of NJDOT Purchases) and Direct Purchasing Authority (DPA) for small dollar amounts
  • Utilizes both traditional purchase orders and P-Cards (Credit Cards)
  • Develops and transmits specifications (RFP's) to Treasury, Purchase Bureau

The State does not prequalify vendors for the purchase of goods and services.

In addition, the Division of Operations purchases specific goods and services for highway and vehicle maintenance.

Last updated date: August 7, 2023 9:41 AM